Friday, 25 July 2014

It's Friday the 13th [ride], and you thought it was a good idea?

Hey listen, we can't be angels all the time, am I right? Here's the thing, old sports. I am three years old and everything is new to me. Everything.
Three and still growing, might I add! I've gotten a tad bum high again this week, and my stifle started locking again--a sure sign of some added height!
Spode planned a ride with the barn manager for today. It's my 13 time being ridden. Lucky 13, yes? Er...

Today was the first time I've been ridden with another horse in the ring. It's only the second or third time I've ever been near another horse while working in the arena. It was a big thing. I rode with this halflinger gelding who I see every night over the fence. But inside the same fence? That's a bit terrifying.
We started out having the barn manager get on first, and then Spode got on. Then Spode asked if I could follow behind. I started fighting to get closer to the pony and was getting a bit hot. Then we decided to stop following as Spode was losing more and more control. Instead, Spode wanted the pony to follow me. Well, that was even worse. I started backing up into the pony and trying to spin around. The next step was to try and face each other safely to let me relax. Then Spode got very mad because I took the reins and went at the pony with my teeth. The barn manager had to slap me on the nose to stop.

Oh dear. I struggled for a while. I bucked for the first time (just a little one, mum!), and then I had a mini rear. Then I went at the other horse with my teeth yet again and got a bigger slap. This was followed by some more backing up and a slightly bigger rear.

Spode told me to get walking the whole time and eventually the bugs were annoying me so I moved on. Pony walked a bit too, but we went opposite directions and when we passed, we used half the ring. After about 20 minutes, I settled down again and was my usual good self. We got a bit closer to the pony but stayed back. Once Spode got off, the pony came and walked in a circle around us while I had to stand and be calm. I tried to back into him again once, but I was pretty much over it.

So you want the truth? I am the lowest on the pecking order and don't have an aggressive bone in my body. So the truth is that I was scared out of my stockings! I didn't know what Spode was going to let happen to me. What if she let the pony kick the poop out of me? What if he came at me and bit me? That's scary. This could be a horse fight for all I know. So I decided I'd attack him before he attacked me. I wasn't really being aggressive, I was just scared. No ears pinned here.
I'm not sure that's quite what Spode wanted me to do, but we all have to act our age occasionally. Luckily Spode and the barn manager are both calm cucumbers and we ended the ride positively. The only bad thing is that now I'm going to have to do it lots of times over again. Aw shucks. The goal is to have us trotting in the ring together.

Also, Spode should have known this would happen on our 13th ride. Plus, we both saw The Great Gatsby movie with my boy Leo. He can get pretty aggressive himself when he's scared. Of course, he only got scared at the thought of losing Daisy... but who's to say I wasn't scared that the pony would latch onto Spode, huh?
Yeah, okay. I probably won't win that argument.

In other news, I have juvenile herpes warts. Isn't that just fantastic. I look so attractive covered in warts. But at least my mild uveitis flare up is gone so I don't have both things going on at once. My cyclosporine implants make me more susceptible to viral infections. But warts are a small price to pay for something that is stopping me from going blind.

Spode is babysitting chinchillas and a dog for her friend this week, so I haven't been doing a whole lot of stuff. I predict a busy August ahead of us though! The last month before she heads off to school and I start my holidays. This week I've mostly been chilling. I had a bath.
I'm not complaining. It was a hot day!
She was a little bit too into brushing out my tail though. Yes, I know it's beautiful. Let's move on. 

She was also pretty obsessed with my stockings, making sure they were absolutely gleaming. I went and got them stained again by the next day, just for her. 
She'll never learn.

Until later, old sports.


Monday, 14 July 2014

Oh the things I have to put up with...

It's a rough life, old sports. I tell you, I am asked to do some silly things sometimes. Most of the time, it's not too bad, but some days Spode comes out and has these ideas in her head. Ugh.
Um, what ya got there?
Spode dragged out a big blue thing. Naturally, I walked over to her right away to see what was up. I sniffed it all over, but it was a little scary when she started picking it up and dragging it behind her. 

Ok, well not that scary.

What's the big deal, Spode? Seems fine. Wish there was some food involved though. 
 Since I was not fazed by the big blue thing, Spode decided to hide in it. Yeah, I know. I have a weird owner. Tell me about it.
Old sport, what are you doing?

I found you!
Can I join you under there?
I wish I had acted scared. Spode made me wear it after that. I feel like such a dork. 

Does this tarp make me look fat? 
Ah! It's following me!? Okay old sports, I admit that that was a little frightening. 
I was still curious about it even after that though. In truth, I was looking for food. Surely there must be some in there, right?

Thankfully, she didn't make me wear it again. I just got to play around with it by myself. I told Spode when I had had enough. 
Okay! I'm ready to go back to my house now!
The other thing we did today was just run around and do some trot poles. No problem!

I have about 5 minutes worth of energy. Let's do this!
In other news, I've been ridden a fair bit. I've been so good! Or that's what Spode says, anyway. She's very pleased with me, and I'm even doing some trotting now!
I'm a big kid now! Well, except everyone says I have the attention span of a gnat...

No one can tell in pictures!

Well, maybe sometimes you can tell. 

I'm pretty handsome, eh old sport?
It's not all work and no play though. I get plenty of time to myself and get to goof off a lot, just like a young horse should.
24 hours of turn out and grass

Lots of time for rolling in the dirt

It's a wonderful life!
Spode also gets to goof off. Who else takes photos of their horse's underbelly? My Spode is still a Paint lover at heart, apparently. She obsesses over my spot!
Until later, old sports! Who knows what we'll be doing tomorrow... Spode has a way of keeping me on my toes.


Saturday, 5 July 2014

Wake me up when September starts!


It was Spode's week off this week. So that means it was the opposite for me. Well, actually it wasn't bad. Thanks to the heat at the beginning of the week, I had plenty of time off too. But I still got lots of Spode time, and I'm pooped! Even though a few days all she did was hose me down, spray me with fly stuff, and turn me out, it was still something.
Ugh, so hot...
The other thing that happened was a new pony arrived. She's 3 as well, and her name is Cookie. Spode is in love, and so am I. Meet my new girlfriend. Aren't you proud that I chose a filly my own age?
Well hello there, old sport. Can I call you Daisy?
Cookie is a bit of a Cookiemonster sometimes though. She may be my age but the difference in education is stark. We may not be compatible after all...

During the week off, Spode and I also celebrated Canada Day. Or rather, she celebrated and I suffered through it. 
Sometimes I wonder why I let you do this to me.
Of course there was plenty of time for goofing off, too.

Ah, this is the life. 
But alas, as the heat went away and the week went on I did have to do some work. Spode took me ground driving in the fields for the first time. We're going to do that some more. It was pretty fun aside from the fact that she wouldn't let me eat grass. I got kind of annoyed at the fact that she wouldn't let me, so I got a bit angry at one point, but aside from that it was fun and different. 

I've done a couple of rides too, with one more scheduled for tomorrow. 
The first one was good. 

I'm such a pro! Even with wind and baby strollers!

But today's ride was not quite as smooth. No, not because I did anything like buck, bolt, or rear (ha! Me? Yeah right). It was because I kept stopping and refusing to move. It wasn't my fault. Spode tried to ride me during nap time. She made me trot around and then expected me to walk around carrying her. Say what!? It was all stop and start the whole time. Spode was unimpressed, but once she got off and untacked me, she felt sorry for me. 
I can't even keep my head up, mum. Just leave me alone to nap in peace!
Yeah, I was just so tired today. The horse flies were bad and I never got a proper rest all day. I just fell asleep while she ground tied me. Better luck tomorrow, I hope. She'd better come out earlier.

After that, I need a rest! You can go to Toronto for school anytime Spode...
Ah, that's better. 

Goodnight, Spode. 
To top it off, Spode has been teasing me about my recent weight gain. My new name? The Great Gutsby. Oh the shame. Leave me alone, horses don't have a swimsuit season.

Until later, Old Sports.
