Another weekend come and gone. Is it just me, or is time speeding up? Well, the weekends are anyway... weekdays still feel just as long. This week I decided to go on a little adventure without Spode. She wasn't here and I waited and waited. The barn manager came by and didn't latch the gate fully when she was bringing the indoor horses in for the night. I saw my opportunity and took it. I followed her at a distance so I could sneak into the barn unnoticed. I didn't meander into the fields or run down the drive way. I knew where I was going. I followed my usual path straight into the barn with nary a glance at freedom. Waltzed into the aisle and headed for my regular grooming spot. I looked for Spode but, alas, she was not in the barn as I had hoped. Talk about disappointment! I gave the barn manager a good laugh though, and I suspect Spode had a chuckle over it too. I have high entertainment value, old sports.
I've also taken to lying down in front of the gate so I don't miss any action while I sleep! |
Spode did come home eventually, but she was doing a lot of barn work this weekend and I didn't get to see her as much as I would have liked. I was supposed to have a pedicure but that got cancelled in part thanks to a heavy duty snow storm. Spode brought me into the arena on her break and it was SO LOUD! I am not usually a spooky guy, but I admit to being a little on edge in all that wind. I was happier outside.
The next day Spode was working again so she only played with me in the evening. Love those times the best--we listen to music and she grooms me for ages and ages. I snooze and we just chill out together. It's very therapeutic for us both, I think.
Spode finds drawing me to be very therapeutic as well, but I don't get the same benefits from that! Instead I just get an even bigger ego... |
It was a super cold weekend, so Spode was happiest staying in the barn with all the horses to keep us warm. Oh, and check out how long my hoof curtains are getting! Super hairy=super warm!
Spode loves them. As long as I don't get any infections, I think my hoof curtains are staying for the year! We're going for the full Clydesdale look! |
I may be looking more like a full Clyde these days, but Spode is still treating me like a light horse. Saturday night we did something brand new....
What is this? It looks like a jump for model horses! I'm insulted! |
Yeah! I did my first ever jump! Well, sort of... as you can see, it was only a few inches off the ground. Spode was very firm that I should not be jumping at such a young age, but she couldn't decide what to do that night so decided to set this up to see what I would do with it.
And what did I do? Well, after sniffing at it, I stepped over it managing not to knock it down. Then Spode told me to trot and off I went over it! It was awkward. I half jumped it, half stepped over it. I went over it again and realized it was low enough that I didn't need to jump at all. It's no higher than the cavaletti I've done in the past. Well, maybe a bit higher. I kept knocking it down with a hoof if I didn't have the timing quite right. Spode says she doesn't think I'll be a grand prix jumper any time soon. I admit, I did love it though. I may not be a natural, but I kind of like the change in routine!
Don't be such a downer. Just you wait-I'll be at the next Olympics! So proud! |
I think Spode was mostly just pleased that I could see it well enough to try and get over it. She seems to have very low expectations... we'll try it again when I'm older! And perhaps in better lighting.
Today Spode came super early in the morning. She caught me laughing at another horse's predicament...
Er, hi Spode. Didn't see you there...I swear, it wasn't me! (Can you spot the problem in this photo?) |
There I was having a laugh with Syrus, and Spode snuck up on me. Her first thought was, "aw, how cute! Everyone is hanging out together and being nice!" Her next thought was, "Oh crap" followed by a dropped halter and lead and a quick rush to the scene. Can you see it? My Boy was getting a wedgie and Tyr was firmly attached to him at the hip. Syrus and I couldn't stop laughing. Tyr got his front leg caught in My Boy's torn blanket, and neither of them could move. Spode had to pull My Boy closer to Tyr and then maneuver is leg back through the hole. This of course made us giggle even more. It's the best laugh I've had all week! I wish Spode hadn't spoiled the fun so soon...
After the action was over, I happily followed Spode into the barn to drop off the offending blanket, and then we played around in the arena. Well, we both sort of just stood there. Spode was too cold to ask me to do much. A very lazy sunday morning, as it should be.
Spode thinks I'm going through another awkward growing phase. I swear, it's just my hair. I have fat hair. |
Spode didn't last too long in the cold, so I didn't get brushed and fussed with for very long. I protested Spode's leaving by peeing in the aisle just before she was about to put me back outside. When you're a horse, you have to find creative ways to make a point. Seriously, that weekend was too short. I figured one way of making her stay at the barn longer was by making as much of a mess as possible. Spode said she had to go back to school though. It's time for her to start teaching again, which means most of her attention is going to be on human teenagers instead of equine ones. Oh well. Not much longer now. Less than 2 months to go, and then Spode is all mine for 5 months. Can't wait.
Until later, old sports.
Talk to the butt until you're ready to give me your full attention. |