Oh, old sports, I am so bored! It's only been 4 days since Spode left me and was relegated to her house, but I'm already pacing the fence awaiting her return. Clearly I should have looked where I was stepping rather than putting my big feet wherever I please. #ClydesdaleProblems. We had been having such a lovely time since Spode is off school for the summer, too! My bad...
It was not great timing. I'm all itchy and muddy, and I would like nothing more than for Spode to get all of it off of me, especially since it's becoming rather hot under all this loose hair. We've had a typical Canadian spring--it did not exist. It's gone straight from winter to summer. Alas, my hair didn't know that.
I'm one giant fuzzball! Please, get it off! |
It's also bad timing because Spode and I were just getting to the point where we were ready to start making some progress with our training instead of just getting back in shape. The start of show season is in one month, and we're not ready! I mean, I'm sure we could make our way around the ring in one piece, but it would be good if we could look halfway decent while doing it. We'll see. No matter what (well, barring health issues), we're starting our show season in May! I'm ready to take on the world-just you wait and see!
Pretty sure Spode feels like she can take on the world from way up here too! |
Looks like it, doesn't it? |
Still, there is a whole lot of prep work to do first. Spode is sending in all the forms, and now it's time to get all my documents in order too. First things first, I need to get my vaccinations done. That might not be a big deal for a regular horse, but I've got my autoimmune disease to consider, so my vaccines and deworming have to be carefully spaced out so as not to overload my system and cause an attack. That would be all we need. But I don't think it'll happen. Spode has been consulting with Miss. BestVetintheWholeWideWorld and we'll get everything done in 3 visits and painkillers before and after. Last year I had a reaction to one vaccine as well, so we're trying a different one. Nothing is ever easy when it comes to my health, it seems. Spode wistfully told me that there was a time once when "herd health" meant nothing to her but a single bill in the mail. Those were the days, I guess.
Speaking of health, I just passed the one year mark! It's the anniversary of my eye implants. Those babies have been sitting in my eyes doing their magic for one full year. That was quite the adventure for me and Spode. Best decision Spode has ever made, if I do say so myself. And Dr. Brooks was very nice to us. Of course I'm not looking forward to undergoing the procedure again, but I hope it will be Dr. Brooks who does it when we have to go back. Hopefully that won't be for a couple of years, at least! Dr. Brooks jokingly told me and Spode that I'd never be able to read again when we went for our surgery consult. Little did he know that one year later I'd still be blogging away! Of course, he wasn't aware what a literary horse I was at the time. I'll forgive the mistake.
Anyway, my eyes have been great lately so as long as vaccines don't mess anything up, I think we'll be safe and we can continue to get down to business. Now that the snow has gone, Spode and I are back to hacking in order to build up my muscles and not to over-school me. I've been out twice already and was on my best behaviour both times. I love to hack! I also enjoy the lessons in dressage though. Spode is now teaching me the basics of bending. I confess, I don't quite understand what she wants yet, but according to Spode I'm showing potential of reaching a breakthrough. We'll go as slow as it takes, she said, so no rush there. After all, I'm not even 4 years old yet! My birthday isn't until next month!
Looking sharp anyway! |
The constant adoration and praise goes a loooong way, let me tell you! |
It's a bit of a slower process than normal anyway because my stifles are playing up quite a bit. My bum appears to have grown again, so my tendons aren't quite right (just one more thing to slow our training down...). Hacking and trot poles are the best thing for that, and circles are the worst. So I know what Spode and I will be doing lots of in the coming weeks once she's back on her feet! I can't wait. I'm so bored standing in my field. Oh how I wish I hadn't stepped on her foot! I am severely lacking in the treat department! Spode came by for a brief visit today to give me a treat and a scratch from the other side of the fence. It was kind of shocking to see her in a cast, I must say. Took me by surprise. I kept sniffing at it but ultimately discovered that it was not edible. Obviously I lost interest in it after that and went back to snuffling Spode's pockets.
The only thing I don't miss is bathing. Now that the weather has turned, Spode has already given me one full bath. I did not enjoy it very much. Spode was also displeased and said I need to remember the rules. Oh really? Why don't you try standing still while someone sprays a hose on you! Life is so unfair. But I was already starting to get used to it by the end of the bath, so I guess it won't be too long before I'm able to keep my toes in one place. It'll help when it's even warmer though. 20 degrees might feel boiling after that long, cold winter, but it's still not super warm when you add in the cold hose factor. Sorry to burst your bubble, old sport.
All wet and shiny! But ahas it really worth it? |
It took hours for me to dry with all my winter hair still clinging on, and you still ended up having to put me out half wet. |
The result of said efforts... |
Just be thankful I only rolled in the hay... while you were watching, at least! |
So, until later when Spode is back to normal, old sports.