Spode is home on "holidays" but she's in full teacher mode. Is it the fact that she just went to an employment conference? Possibly. Whatever the reason, she is not taking any nonsense from me. The first two days were all fun and games, but today we worked entirely on manners and respect. She told me to expect more of the same when she kissed me goodnight. Did I need a brush up? Sure, probably, but I just want to have fun! And eat Spode. And climb into her lap. And drag her to the hay. And trot faster. You know, just normal 4 year old horse stuff.
What's a guy got to do around here to get a carrot? |
Sometimes, a teenager has just got to write that essay on Shakespeare. Sometimes, a horse has just got to stand still when told. Today was a formative assessment day, luckily for me. The summative will occur at the end of her holidays. Some holiday.
This is far too much work! |
Look both ways before crashing into trees! Luckily that dorsal stripe up ahead keeps me in line. |
The weird spots in my eyes continue to pop up, though they've slowed down considerably since being on maxidex again. Ah, drugs. How excellent they are...
Sorry for the terribly short blog. There will me more adventures this holiday, promise. Spode finished a big chunk of her homework today, so I'm expecting more from her in the next few days after she sorts out some employment stuff. The girl's gotta do work so I can eat. I get that. By all means, Spode, work on that resume and website. In the meantime, I'll be over here, eating hay so I fit into this size 90 blanket even less...
Mmm, so good! |
These blankets just weren't made for Clydesdale sized bellies. It's not my fault. |
They match the personalized saddle pad that Spode got me! |
Until later, old sports.