I had my 19th ride today. Baby, I was practically born broken in! I am such a pro now, Spode trusts me with almost anything. This week I have been doing some crazy stuff, so let's start at the beginning.
I started off the week doing some extreme trail stuff. You know, like a western horse (shh, don't tell Spode!). First, I played with a great big ball--my favourite!
Spode let me loose so there was no pressure. Ooh, is that a new toy?! |
Thanks, Spode. I love it! |
Then I tried out the new extra narrow bridge. It's actually a bit too narrow for me and my big Clydesdale butt. I fell off it even though I was walking straight.
Good ground driving practice too! |
And then for the grand finale! No pictures, old sports, but they set up this great big box. Underneath the box is a tarp, and on top of that... a sea of plastic water bottles! Scary, right? No way! I sniffed at it and then stepped into the box. I crushed lots of water bottles and they made weird sounds, but I really didn't care. Yawn. I'm born broke, I tell you!
Next up, I had some road practice. I saw trucks and trailers and lots of very fast cars. No problem, Spode (Spode is WAY more scared of traffic than I am! I don't foresee much riding on the road for us). I was more frightened walking past the tall corn field blowing in the wind. That was a bit scary because it sounds like an animal hiding in the corn ready to attack me. Yikes. But I got over it with time.
When I'm scared I remind Spode that I'm quite tall. That's what happens when you actually lift your neck up! |
Stay close, Spode. There are lions and tigers and bears in there, I'm sure.
I also did some regular stuff. I am in training to be a dressage horse, after all.
Back to being a "warmblood" |
Aw shucks. If you keep telling me how beautiful I am I'm going to get a big head. Even bigger than it already is! |
Spode also spent some time just hanging out with me, which has been great. She seemed a bit hyper stressed this week so I did my duty of being her chill dude to talk to. It's a pretty easy job, really. Much easier than dressage and just as important, Spode says! Fine by me.
Care to share a nibble of grass with me, dear Spode. It'll make you feel better! |
My eyes have been reasonably good this week. Having some irritation issues in my right eye and occasionally experience vision issues. Today was not good walking into the shadows, but when I adjust to the light I'm okay. We just take things slow and Spode was careful about helping me find my way and find my dinner. I hate that the most--can you imagine not being able to locate your dinner!? It takes a lot os sniffing around sometimes...
So aside from hanging out and doing lots of fun things, I'm also just living an everyday horsey life. Deworming came and went (I managed to work my tongue magic and spit out a tiny bit again!) and I've been galloping and bucking with my buddy Senator. I'm a pretty happy guy.
Today Spode was the happy one because ride #19 was a special one. We went bareback! Spode said it's a very important lifeskill for me. Any horse of hers had better be a bareback pro, because she likes to do that lots. Fine by me. It's nice to chillax that way. I was a little uncertain about it initially but then I just acted like usual. We had a great ride!
Old sports, we have a happy Spode! |
I was happy because she let me smell the pee spot in the ring... I know, it's a bit of a weird habit!
Hmm, who was in here before me? |
I made a silly face, so Spode was happy I had smelled the pee spot in the end! |
And we even had some awesome bareback trots! So much fun! Spode says I am super smooth and we will rock in sit a buck. Huh? You want me to buck? Or is that something else??
I can't actually dressage yet. Just a lucky shot. One day I'll do this on purpose, Spode says. Fine by me! |
So a great week for us both! We're a happy team. Spode is thrilled with my training progress. I just keep telling her that we're born for each other!
Until later, old sports! Who know what we'll be up to next week!
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