Fall. It's a lovely time of year. My bleached summer coat is shedding out and my beautiful dark winter hair is growing in. The leaves are pretty, the sun is just the right temperature, and the grass is still sweet and green. I love the fall. I don't have to worry about being chilly or overheating. I am a happy horse.
Life is good! |
The other good thing about fall is thanksgiving. Why? Well, it's not about the food, since my meals are pretty much always identical except for my birthday. It's all about the family for me! And my family consists of Spode. Spode is home!!! She came home early so I was very surprised to see her on Wednesday.
Whoa! You scared me!! |
I have spent a lovely few days with her and still have two more to go. Best week ever. I take back what I said, actually. Thanksgiving is at least in part about food--I got so many extra treats this week! Just for being me and being adorable, of course.
Who could resist a face as cute as mine? |
Spode has spent most of her time brushing me but we're also learning some new skills this week. I am going back to my roots and trying driving for the first time! Spode brought over all the harness on Wednesday and tried it on and adjusted it all.
How am I lookin'? Oh, I'm looking fine! |
The harness belongs to my old paddock neighbour Merlin. Merlin and I are surprisingly close to the same size so we didn't need to fiddle with too many of the buckles.
It only took me a day to get used to the harness. The next day we tried our first ground driving session in the arena.
I guess we're going to be having lots of bum shots from now on... |
See? It's a good thing draft bums look so good. |
After that we tried going down the driveway and today she drove me around the field.
Does this harness make my butt look big? |
These blinkers are a bit annoying, but I can live with them. I can't live with these twisted lines though. Jeez, Spode! Pull yourself together! Sloppy, I tell you! My name is Gatsby. I expect a certain amount of class from you. |
I have done fabulously with all elements of my training, I have to say. I did not like the crupper very much, but I don't mind it anymore and I relax once it's on. The blinkers don't faze me at all. The only little issue we had occurred today. While we were out in the fields the kids drove up on their ATVs. Spode asked me to whoa and I said sure. I watched calmly as the first one went past me, but the second one looked different and I got scared. I admit, I sort of forgot about Spode. I tried to turn around and head for home, but Spode turned with me and held the lines in one hand while she reached around to hold my head. That gave me a shock! I spooked more at suddenly seeing Spode in front of me than I did the ATV. Darn blinkers! Still, I was glad to see her and I didn't move a muscle after that. I realized I had been a bit silly so Spode and I just carried on like nothing had happened and had a good training session in the sunset. Romantic, huh? Out for a little jaunt in the evening. You can drive! I really need a Yellow Rolls Royce to be just like Fitzgerald's Gatsby. Of course, then I might be setting myself up for disaster. If I run into Myrtle, we're all in trouble. And Spode would be driving just like Daisy. Oh no! Maybe I shouldn't be pulling a cart after all...My name is a bit fateful in that department.
You may not be able to repeat the past, old sport, but that doesn't mean there's no such thing as fate. When you're named after an iconic tragic figure like The Great Gatsby, you have to consider these things. Spode could write you an essay on the topic if you wish. Or maybe she'll write a novel about me. |
Nevertheless, Spode and I have set the date, and as long as the weather cooperates, I'll be pulling hopping on the trailer back to my first home with Spode to try pulling a cart on Thanksgiving Monday! Spode tells me that there's a saying in the horse world that "green and green make black and blue." Since Spode is almost as green about driving as I am, we're hoping that the saying is not true in this case, but we'll have an expert driver to help us. And my old friend Merlin will let me know how it's done when I arrive, I'm sure. Spode and I are very excited! We're thankful for every new adventure we get up to.
Aside from the work we've been doing getting ready for Monday, Spode and I have been hanging out, as usual. She goes on and on about how much happier she is at the barn compared to being in the city. She didn't have to say anything, I'm pretty sure we can all tell by the smile on her face!
You make me smile too! Well, actually it's not you. It would probably be a bad thing if you made me smile like this, 'cause that would mean you smell, Spode! |
We're just happy being us. |
Because we love each other! |
And because Spode is pretty much my servant girl and doesn't mind. It's nice to have someone dote on you like this. You should try it sometime! |
So it goes without saying that I am thankful for Spode this holiday season. I love my family. I love how goofy we are. For example, we've started this tradition where I donate to charities in Carleton Place. Look out for them in store windows, old sports.
Shoppers Drugmart, you've been christened! |
We started this tradition when we stopped at walmart on the way to Caledon for my eye surgery. Ever since then I've been leaving my mark. Although I think you could really say that everywhere Spode goes I leave my mark. I know the impact I have on her!
Since I'm on the topic of eyes, I should also say how thankful I am for my sight. It may not be perfect, but I can see well enough to live a normal life (aside from wearing the ridiculous looking mask) and I am grateful for that. T. J. Eckleburg would be thrilled (He's the oculist in The Great Gatsby, for those of you who don't know. And if you don't know--why not!? Read the book already!!). The ability to see is something you wouldn't necessarily think to be thankful for. I certainly never thought about it until I was first diagnosed with uveitis. Be thankful for every day you can see the sunrise, the girl you love, your friends and family, and the sunset. It's the little things like that that give us the opportunity to make our lives Great.
Some slight goobers today on top of my everyday blueness, but the pupils are great! |
I am still off all my oral and topical meds and going strong. There's been no iris spasms for quite some time! I am thankful for being pain free at the moment--Spode is too!
Old sports, thank you for being you and for being supportive of my journey with Spode and my journey to better health. It means a lot to us. I'd invite you to my parties any time! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your equines and other family members!
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