What a week, old sports. I'm ready for my march break now. Yeah, sure. Spode had a break but her breaks mean work for me! It's pretty weird to go from seeing Spode every 2 weeks to seeing her every day. This week was much harder work than Christmas break as well because Spode is focusing on the summer ahead, which means she wants my training to progress and she really wants me to start getting back into shape. This past week was basically Gatsby boot camp. I'm pooped!
Spode is happy with my neck considering I'm only 3, but is still adamant about building more muscle... Sigh. |
Spode also got rid of every single loose hair on my body. See, she is pretty desperate for spring weather, and a sure sign of spring is the loss of my winter fuzz. But I'm not really letting much go just yet. I'm still absolutely covered, but Spode painstakingly used the shedding blade every day trying to will the hair off with her mind. Sorry Spode, I'm keeping this. And it's a good thing I did--it's -19 tonight! Some spring.
We started off with a lot of grooming followed by very brief workouts. Plenty of lunging followed by about 5 minutes in the saddle. Works for me! Spode is so easily pleased, I hardly have to do anything to impress her. If only the whole summer could be like that, but I know she's anxious to teach me new things relating to dressage. She's just happy I remember the basics so well.
Yes, Spode, I do remember how to stand still for mounting. I wish you'd get a taller stool though. |
Easy peasy. |
Spode also wanted to play dress up with me (they need to make a breyer model of me so she can play dress up to her heart's content. She can never get enough. I dread to think how long she's going to spend getting me ready for dressage shows.). St. Patricks Day is the perfect holiday for me since green is the theme. Unfortunately, the weather was not very nice. Super windy, which was making me a bit flighty and not very interested in standing still in the barn. Well, not that I'm particularly fond of standing still on any day, but windy days are particularly bad. Spode is pretty determined when she gets in the mood, so she refused to call it a day and still tried to braid my mane. Despite my mane being about three times too long for braiding and the ants I had in my pants, she did get it all banded eventually.
I know big braids are still in fashion (Spode is such a dressage queen), but I don't think they want them THIS big... Or this sloppy, but I'll take the blame for that, I suppose.
You're getting even more desperate to pull my mane now. Stop staring. |
I could get used to this look. |
Spode gave me a break after braiding so I could burn off some of my excess energy before decking me out in my green. Due to the wind, Spode was getting blown away (and not just by my dashing good looks!). It's lucky she had me to hold on to. I had a Spode kite for a while until we made it into the safety of the arena. Wind and ice don't mix well!
After running around, back to the barn we went so Spode could finish making me into an honorary Irish Sport Horse for the day.
All we need is some green sparkle paint for my hooves. Next year... |
Shouldn't we be drinking green beer instead of doing work, Spode? I don't think you understand this holiday aside from the green thing. |
Kiss me, I'm Irish. Well, actually I'm not, but you're going to kiss me anyway, and we both know it. |
The other horses made fun of me a bit, but did they get a special green apple for their efforts? No they did not, but I did.
Totally worth it. Even if I am going to get teased mercilessly until my wave is gone. |
Unfortunately, Spode over lunged me this week which set off my locking stifles again. Either that, or I'm growing again. Hard to say which it is, but it was rather uncomfortable for me. This meant a change in routine in the second half of the week. I did a lot of backing up and we had some very long bareback rides of walking and trotting in straight lines. After just 1 day of that, I was practically back to normal. I need to build up my circling ability slowly I guess. I had a bit too much spring fever so ended up circling too much with all my energy.
I wasn't the only one with spring fever though. Spode just couldn't take the hair any more, so the clippers came out, and my feathers are gone. Alas. So much for possibly getting to keep them this year. I'm pretty sure I was allowed to keep them for longer last year, when she didn't even suggest leaving them.
All that work growing hair for nothing! |
Ok, I admit I look less like an overgrown pony now. At least she left my mane alone... for another week, at least. |
So maybe she is still engaging in some wishful thinking for spring temperatures, but she's not the only one.
It tastes fine if you close your eyes and pretend it's green, I swear. |
I certainly felt like spring was in the air when she let me in the sand ring for the first time in at least 2 months. I was raring to go!
Showing my inner Arabian again |
I've got the tail for it! |
Yep, spring is in the air even if the it's more of a snow ring instead of a sand ring! |
Spode was pleased-it's good for my stifles too, apparently. After I had my fill of running around and snorting myself silly, I decided to lay down for a spring time roll as well.
Which turned into a spring time snooze. I let Spode chill with me for a while so we could both have a nice sunbath. |
"You do realize you're going to have a really wet butt when we get up, right Spode?" |
Finally, today we had our last ride of the march holiday, so Spode brought out the trot poles (also good for my stifles. Nothing is random. Spode has such a one track mind...) and we did those as well as some canter transitions once she hopped on me. Haven't cantered since Christmas break, so Spode was excited. I was excited that Spode was excited. I do love the feeling of Spode bursting out into "Good Boy!!!" and hugging my neck. What horse wouldn't love that?
I couldn't lift my legs any higher if I tried. No wonder this is good for me! |
Spode, you need to adjust the spacing though. 5 feet may have been a good length for me last year, but these are far too close together now! |
And that was my week in a nut shell! I should have done multiple blog postings, but Spode started a new job at another horse farm, so my computer time was cut down as a result. But in just a week and a half, Spode is home for the summer and hopefully we'll have plenty of adventures to report! 5 months worth!
Until later, old sports.