That's right, old sports! Spode has 21 more days in Toronto and then she'll be home for 5 months straight. Hopefully by the time these 21 days are over, it'll finally be like Spring. This weekend gave us a hint of nicer weather, but I want some serious evidence of spring now. My coat is ever so slowly starting to fall out now--Spode was very pleased by that, but it's time to pick up the pace! Let's go, Mother Nature. Your holiday is over. Bring back the grass.
I was sort of hoping the snow would have melted by the time we were done in the barn, Spode. What is this? |
Yeah, I know. I should be patient and thankful for the warm temperatures we had. Believe me, I am. And Spode should be happy the snow is keeping me so clean. Before you know it, it'll be mud and you won't see feathers this white for ages.
Spode is fighting the urge to clip me. We'll see if I keep these feathers for the summer or not! |
Spode had a very short visit with me this weekend. Because she's back to teaching human children, she had less time to spend with her equine child. We only had Saturday and Sunday together. Saturday we started with a brisk play in the arena. We were both equally excited to run.
Are you watching me? You'd better be watching me. |
We did a bit of join up and then I followed Spode around the arena while she ran. I was pretty tired at that point, so mostly I watched Spode run and laughed at our role reversal. I think I've figure out how to lunge her!
We didn't have too much time together in the morning because Spode had to work, but she brought me inside again at the end of the day. We had a bit of a surprise. She was calmly standing on a stool clipping my beard and bridle path when a large chunk of frost suddenly fell from the barn ceiling onto my rump. That could have been quite a wreck! I did knock into Spode a bit in my surprise, but mostly I just jumped on the spot. I was not expecting to get snowed on inside. The barn had warmed up so much during the day though that quite a bit of snow fell off while we were inside. The horses in their stalls were unimpressed to say the least. Spode just laughed--what a meanie.
After Spode had got all the hair that she could off of me, she decided to ride me again. She was feeling lazy so we did bareback again. I love it when she rides me on the weekends: she always feels a bit guilty for riding when she hasn't been around in so long. This means she asks for practically nothing--just simple walking and trotting, and yet she is over the moon when I do as asked without any fuss. It's a win-win. Everything I do makes her day and I get large handfuls of treats in return.
Super easy--all I have to do is put my ears forward and Spode gets a smile! Life is good. |
Today Spode came out and I came running--way to start the day off right. I had yet another long grooming and then Spode tacked me up fully this time and did some proper lunge work. Hmm, not quite as carefree as Saturday. She's getting super focused on the summer's upcoming show opportunities, so I've definitely noticed a shift in her goals. Spode eagerly tells me about her training ideas and it sounds like her March break is going to signal the start of my get fit program so that I'm ready for further training in April. As long as the treats keep coming, that deal is good with me I guess.
It would be an easier deal to accept if I didn't see all the other horses in their fields goofing around or eating. How come I'm the only one doing any work right now?? |
Lunging went pretty well. Spode said I was lazy, but this was all my brilliant plan. I've overheard her debating whether to start giving me sweet feed for a little extra pep. I like the sound of
sweet feed, so I figured I should play up my laziness in an attempt to encourage the diet change. Alas, Spode says she needs to wait and see how April goes before she makes any changes. I'd better keep this lazy act up a little longer. I bet there will be a big pay off.
After lunging, Spode got on me once again and we worked on serpentines and centre lines. Things really are getting serious! We had another good ride, so I got plenty of treats and Spode has a smile big enough to last her the 2 weeks until she sees me again.
Please, sir. Can I have some more? Pleeaaasseee.... |
So in total I'd guess Spode and I only spent about four hours together this weekend. Pretty short, but we're going to make up for it come March Break. Spode still needs to focus on those human kids she's dealing with at the moment, and I get that. The barn managed once told me that I needed to be patient so Spode can learn the things she needs to get a job and keep paying for me. Well, when you put it like that, old sport...
Go on, Spode. Get going. I'll see you again soon. Make good choices! |
Until later, old sports.
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