Man oh man, send Spode to school for 2 weeks and she wants to spend 24 hours with you when she comes back. Holy moly, I'm worn out already!
In all seriousness, it was lovely to see her again. 2 weeks with no Spode was rather dull for me. Sure, the first week of holidays was nice, but then I got bored and started getting jealous of my pasture pals when their owners came out. B-O-R-E-D. Luckily Spode's mum came out to take care of me and say hi, otherwise I would have been beside myself.
Over the past 2 weeks I've eaten lots, flaked out in the sun, and watched youtube videos of dressage horses. I imagine Spode does the same at school. I'm not really sure, to be honest. There must be a little bit of school work thrown in there too I suppose. I should ask her.
Anyway, I was mighty happy to hear her calling my name yesterday. I almost thought I was imagining it at first, but once I understood I came running! Alas, my leg was actually a little sore that day. I knocked myself and had some swelling on the inside of my leg, so Spode said no riding. Aww. Even though I wasn't lame (as she could see by the fact that I ran to her) she still wouldn't get on. She spent most of her time dressing me up in her new gear she bought me:
We are not amused. Must I remind you that I am not a barbie horse? |
I don't remember why I like you so much. |
The blanket was a little snug, leading to much chastising from Spode about my weight. Ugh, yeah, she's not very nice to me sometimes.
She did let me outside in the sand ring to give me the option to run if I wanted, and run I did.
I'm trying out reining for a new sport. |
Turns out it's harder than it looks to stop that fast. Oops! |
Of course, that only lasted a few minutes. Mostly I wanted 3 things (as I always do). One, I want to eat.
This is the tastiest grass ever. I hear you're a vegan, Spode. Want to join me? |
Try it, you'll love it. |
Two, looking dashing and dapper to make Spode feel warm and cuddly on the inside:
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And 3, hanging out with my bestie:
Have you noticed we become more and more alike the more time we spend together? We even make the same faces in our selfies. |
Literally every single selfie we took, we are pulling the same face. Maybe it's just Spode's new hairdo, but it's uncanny! |
We did so much goofing off yesterday. We both got down in the sand for a good laugh. Luckily I have an owner with a sense of humour.
This is my impression of tweaking. Pretty damn good, right? This was just for Spode. She needs to keep on top of all those teen trends. |
Now I'm like one of her students when she starts talking about literary theory. Come ON Spode! So boring! (Just kidding, Spode! Don't be mad!) |
Excuse me, you're disturbing my rest. Leave me be, I don't want to get up now. |
Alas, it's not al fun and games. My eyes continue to be the bane of my existence. The latest is that I have not only cataracts, but protein deposits in my eyes as well and it's making my vision blurry. My retinas are not so healthy anymore. Surprise, surprise. I detest uveitis. I really do. But Spode's patient, I'm patient, we're getting through this together with the help of Mrs. BestVetintheUniverse.
Not good, my friends, not good. |
But let's not get dragged down by my eyes. There's been too much of that in my life so far. Let's be as optimistic as Fitzgerald's Gatsby. I've got my Daisy--what more is there to life?
Spode needed some quality time with me the past 2 days. Something on her mind, but I've managed to bring her out of her funk in 2 seconds flat. Shove my face in her face, and job done. Easy peasy!
Today was even easier because my leg was no longer swollen, which means riding! Spode and I had a a lovely easy ride. But first she dressed me up again. Because if there's something green, Spode's gotta have it. The green light is EVERYWHERE, I tell you! Sorry, Spode's future students, she is going to bring it up every chance she gets.
I can see the green light, I can see it in your eyes. Yes, yes. Florence and the Machine are great, I agree. Can you just get on me already? |
We didn't go out for very long because I'm out of shape and Spode's too paranoid to push me even a little bit more than she's comfortable with. Not that I mind. I'm a bit lazy, old sports.
Spode was a bit too distracted by my bright green eyes to work me very hard anyway. The benefits of having a rider with ADD. |
And that's how we've spent our 2 days! 2 more days of riding and treats to go. Oh my goodness, you should see the apples she brought me. They're too die for--so juicy. I love the fall.
Although Spode has spent way too much time with me in the 2 days she's been here, I'm not really complaining. In fact, I was most upset to see her go today. She let me out, put my halter on the hook, and I showed her what I thought.
Until later, old sports.
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