Spode might be kind of mad when she reads this one. Boy was she mad when she came home (unexpectedly) this weekend. See, she was not supposed to be here. She came home last weekend, just 4 days after Christmas break, because she was not meant to be here. Why? Because she had an important workshop to do 2 weekends in a row. Because her world basically implodes if she hasn't seen me in over 18 days (that's the danger number. When Spode hits day 18 without touching a horse, be prepared for a mental breakdown at any moment for no apparent reason. "Hey Spode, how are you?" Cue tears. Seriously, it's a thing), Spode decided to book her bonkers train schedule to work around it while still seeing me.
However, then the university threw a spanner in the works, a horseshoe in the mud, if you will, by moving the date of the workshop without informing anyone. Cue a mad panic of changing train tickets and phone calls to work and parental units just to see me.
What? You think this innocent face had anything to do with it? Nonsense! *cough, cough* |
So after Spode had finally come to terms with the change in schedule and the increased money spent on the train, she got even worse news: the workshop has been cancelled altogether. What she doesn't know, however, is that it was cancelled because I used my horsey hacking skills to decrease enrolment in the workshop, leading the university to abandon the project altogether. I'm pretty smart, eh old sports? Of course I am, don't answer that. I basically got 2 extra weekends with Spode as a result, as she once again frantically started changing tickets around. This means more treats, more brushing, more wild rides with the Spode. All part of my plan, muahaha. Hey, Spode might be (just barely) fine going more than 2 weeks without seeing me, but I never said that was okay by me. In an ideal world, my danger number would be 5 days. After that, I start mauling the barn manager and any other boarders who dare to come into my field for a reason other than to pet me and love me. It's just not fair! The end of March cannot come soon enough...
Seriously, I don't know how anyone resists my face, bug eyes and all. |
Anyway, we had a lovely unplanned weekend together. Seeing me cheered Spode right up, and I made sure to give her an exceptional ride that first day. Never better. Of course, that couldn't last all weekend. Jeez, what do you expect? I want to have some fun too. Spode was a bit frustrated with my lack of focus and hyperactivity the following rides, but I figure it all balances out in the end. Right old sports?
Not every ride can be like this, Spode. |
No, sometimes instead your ride ends with you having to hand walk a very hot horse. That'd be me. Sorry. I didn't feel like going slow today. Still looking incredibly adorable though, no? You know you love it. |
Spode nevertheless had a bit of a frustrating weekend as a result of, well, me. My body actually. Turns out finding a turnout blanket that doesn't choke me is harder than it looks.
Does this cooler make my head look huge? Yes? Well that's because my head is huge. So are my shoulders, as it happens. |
Spode was ready to pull out her hair. She gave up and ordered me two blankets online. If they don't fit, we might see a breakdown again. Why the sudden urge for blankets? Well, first of all, it's Spode and Spode LOVES blankets. Of all the equine accessories, there are few things she likes more. You can imagine her disappointment the first winter with me that it turned out I didn't need a blanket. But this year's weather has made my coat more meagre than usual, and with the riding and sweating, I'm just not as tough as I used to be. I've actually been chilly a couple of times. Yes, me! So now Spode has decided to go into full on blanketing mode. I'm actually size 86, but I have a giant size 90 rainsheet because that's the only thing that fit my chest (just barely!). This of course means I have plenty of length, not having a particularly long back to begin with. The blankets she ordered will probably be the same, so we might needs to have some altering... What a pain. Yes, it turns out horse shopping can be just as painful as shopping for humans. The blankets she ordered should arrive by the next time Spode is back, so we're crossing hooves and fingers in the meantime.
I'm expecting a full wardrobe next time, Spode! Even pink would be fine (quite appropriate considering my name, actually) |
The other frustration was with the hairs on my chinny chin chin. My beard needed a trim. The bridle was making me sooo itchy! We went back to the flash this weekend to see if that would help with my itchy lips, but not much difference. Out came the clippers. Hard to tell if it was better or not today. Now I'm a bit itchy because of the fresh trim, so we'll see how itchy I am next weekend. I also just need a bigger bridle in general. I'm on the last hole. But I go down an entire hole in the summer when my hair is back to normal. Ah the joys of being an oversize horse but not quite a draft. A good fit is hard to find, old sports.
Anyway, Spode is gone again so everything is back to same old, same old until she returns and we get into more adventures. The previous weekend we had a very exciting weekend with the return of an old friend, who had a lovely ride on me, followed by a massage--my belated Christmas present. Oh man it felt good! So nice and relaxing (well, most of it!). I'm living the dream now. Spoiled rotten--even Spode hasn't had a massage before! Priorities, old sports.
I felt as relaxed as Tyr today. Doesn't this just make you wish you were a horse too, old sports? |
I think I'll join in. Shh, it's my nap time now. Bye Spode! |
Until later, old sports.