Hello, old sports!
Aren't you proud of me? I've been pretty good about keeping my new year's resolution so far, no? 3 posts this January! I'm on a roll! (Ahh, I could do with a nice roll actually. I'm all hot and sweaty today in this balmy weather. Be right back)
Ugh, so itchy! |
Seriously, Spode, who ordered this weather? I'm boiling! |
Thanks, old sports. I probably shouldn't complain. Last winter was freezing, we all need to remember that!
Anyway, Spode and I had a good mini-vacation. Well, vacation for her. As usual, it means more work for me, but I was pleased to see her. Spode's been rather stressed at the moment, so I did my job of making her feel calm and content again. Lots of treats for me is a part of that formula. Perfect team.
Basically Spode is in her happy place whenever she gets to brush me for extended periods of time. My tail provides joy quite often, especially now that it's starting to grow back from me rubbing it... |
Spode also greatly enjoys making me look like an idiot. Gawd. I'm a horse, not a moose! |
Whatever, this is just a part of life with Spode, and I accept it. Especially when she's stressed out. And boy, has she been stressed lately. Impending graduation, job searching, and school craziness is driving her a little crazy at the moment. We had a few bareback rides this weekend: a definite sign that Spode just needs to chill.
Don't worry, Spode. I got you. |
Spode has to make this movie for one of her school assignments describing her philosophy of education. She has to choose a metaphor for teaching and, surprise, surprise, she chose me! Anyway, I could have done it all myself. My philosophy of teaching: be there for Spode. Doesn't matter if I'm good or bad, as long as I'm still there. I have the easiest job in the world! Not tough, really. I just have to be authentically me. If I can make her laugh, I'm golden. Funnily enough, she laughs more when I misbehave I think. Sheesh, and she wonders why I don't have better manners... Ooh, and if I can be like the literary Gatsby in subtle, fun ways, that's a bonus. I'm helping to teach her further literary analysis. I've got the handsome thing down pat at least.
Spode's philosophy is a bit more complicated though. It's going to involve a lot of work. Today she wanted a video of us doing join up, which may or may not play a small role in the final product (the joys of having a perfectionist for an owner). It was all going well. I was totally focused on her and ready to work, but then there was a whole bunch of noise outside, and horses were coming and going. I couldn't help but get distracted and lose my focus on her.
Ok fine, you have my attention. Momentarily... |
Sorry. That took me longer than usual. Ooh, what noise was that!? |
So I'm not sure the video will be any good for her. And today wasn't the greatest day for running around. Man was I hot! I've got way too much hair for this weather. I was a wee bit foamy by the end of our session.
Speaking of weather, I am all set for a Canadian winter that we're apparently not getting. Check out my fancy new clothes!!
It's so me! |
And a perfect fit! Size 90... |
And perfect timing, I also got a pretty new blanket bag from auntie Breanna! |
Good thing, because my locker is FULL of blankets at the moment. There was no room for anything else! That's what happens when you have a blanket-obsessed Spode for an owner. I have more coats than she does. As it should be, am I right?
This one is not really my colour... |
But you can't deny that it fits well! I got a small rip in it the first night wearing it though. Spode was less than impressed. |
Finally, Spode also got me a new bit (Yes, it's basically been like Christmas at the barn, much to Spode's bank account's dismay). I was starting to be a little fussy with my bridle and after checking the bit, she realized it was a bit tight. So now we've officially progressed from a 5.5 to a 6 inch bit. I have a big head, apparently (it's my ego, I'll admit it!). There was immediate relief for me and I stopped with the head fussing immediately, but I was still bothered by my noseband which has become far too small. Spode is on the lookout for new bridle deals, but in the meantime, I've gone Western--sans noseband. I feel like it makes my head look long. But it feels good on the hairs on my chinny chin chin not to have a noseband. Ah, bliss. I do miss my green highlights though, especially since my hair covers my sparkly broadband during the winter. Come on, Summer!

Next time Spode is home, we have a date at the dentist's. Not my favourite, but I'll also get my eyes checked and the first of my spring vaccines. Ah, the joys of auto-immune disease... Spode and I are just thrilled.
Until later, old sports.
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