Ok, confession time. In my last blog post, I was complaining about our unseasonably warm winter thus far. I think the great horse gods wanted to teach me a lesson by delivering this arctic front to us. Sorry, old sports! I jinxed us!
What a weekend for Spode to come home for. But hey she worked a lot at the barn and everything took twice as long with the cold weather, so that's a big chunk of my board paid for again. On the other hand, I also had my first spring vet appointment this weekend. It's more likely that she was still at a loss this weekend. Sorry, Spode! I didn't mean to get an auto-immune disease!!
This weekend I had my teeth filed down. Once again, they were super sharp. See, Spode? That means I need more food! Gotta wear down my teeth more! Crunchy treats please. Never mind the fact that I'm about 400 pounds over weight right now. I need more food, okay!?
Oh how I missed sedative. It's been a while, Miss Vet! |
Although Spode was at the barn a lot this visit home, I feel like I didn't get to see a whole lot of her. The vet appointment took a long time, and I got plenty of play time in the arena (except for Saturday, because that was just stupid cold and Spode had too many water issues to deal with!).
I need to make more time in my day for crazy bucking sessions, I've decided.
In fact, the only interaction I had with Spode on Saturday was her checking that I was warm under my blanket, feeding me my dinner before it froze, and giving me a handful of treats for good measure. I only got ridden once even though she was home for 5 days. Had a lovely hack this afternoon out of the wind. Still, it's not exactly going to help me lose weight, is it? And because Spode is doing her teaching practice, it means I only get 2 days with her between now and mid-March. Not much exercise happening then either because of the limited time. Yep, I think March break is going to be rather hectic...whatever--as long as I have Spode, it's all good! And treats. Treats are good.
Maybe if I hold her glove hostage, she'll spend more time with me! (Not likely--just means she'll never take off her glove to take a photo again! Crazy humans) |
So in addition to having my teeth dealt with, I also had my first spring vaccine... which I promptly reacted to, despite also having banamine and a dog vaccine instead of the horse one that doesn't agree with me. Oh well, the reaction was not nearly as bad. My energy level is already back to normal. Just one more thing to add to Spode's list of medical concerns! It feels like my job.
My eyes are a little bit different since they were last checked too. Partial retinal detachment in my left, and 2 small retina scars on my right. And we're calling my protein spots "cobwebs" now, which distort the light a little bit. Basically, I can still see but it's pretty blurry. Nothing we can do about that, but good to have an update. The retina detachment is something Spode and I have worried about since getting my initial diagnosis of recurrent uveitis. We're lucky it's only partial though, and it may or may not be progressive. If it is progressive, at least it's a slow process. And Spode is so close to being done with school so she can get back to establishing routines and building our trust levels again. It's a big help when I can be confident in Spode, but it's touch when she's only around periodically!
I can still see those treats, just so you know. |
And my dinner, obviously! |
Anyway, that was pretty much my past few days. I was glad to have my toasty blanket. I never got even the slightest bit cold all weekend. Pretty content just staying close to my round bale. Now Spode has re-wrapped me in a thin sheet ready for the impending winter storm. Ok, horse lords! I get it! I will never complain about a warm winter again! Just stop!
Bring on the freezing rain! I'm ready! |
Until later, old sports. Stay warm!
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