Hello old sports!
Well, I did warn you didn't I? Now that Spode is a teacher, I rarely get computer access... but really, that't not much of an excuse is it? The real reason is, well, the grass is pretty damn green here old sports. I can barely tear myself away to log on here. I've finally had my fill enough to give a little update here.
Who am I kidding, I never have my fill! |
Due to my extreme laziness and fondness for British grass, I haven't written since I moved stables the first time! That's actually happened again would you believe it. Things weren't working out between me and the other horses, and the drama of the previous stable started to affect Spode's mental state so a move was decided upon. And what a good move it was! I do miss my girlfriend, but the grass is good here, the fields are bigger, and drama? There's none! Bliss! My horsey friends will no the rarity that is a drama free barn I'm sure.
Plus, there are still tiny ponies to be friends with here |
There was a bit of drama initially actually, but only on my end because this new farm has a strange creature called an alpaca inhabiting there. Three of them actually. They make weird sounds and they run strangely too. Very confusing animals!
Very popular with Oli though |
But lets back track a little bit first because I am WAY behind. First big event-Spode dislocated her shoulder when I accidentally bumped her spooking at a cart. I swear, I barely even touched her but her arm was at a bad angle and out it popped. And she popped it back in again. As it should be. I need my attention and can't have a one armed Spode!
And still smiling to boot! Hard not to smile around me I suppose |
I also celebrated my 6th birthday. SIX! Can you believe it? I'm such an old man now, I don't know where the last 4 years with Spode have gone!
It's not a party without a hat. And I know how to party. |
Now that I'm a my new stable (been here 2 and a half months now!) I feel much more settled in the UK. I'm used to the different horse keeping methods and have adjusted to the weather.
Spode has also adjusted, though clings to Canadianisms. Such as stick families, which aren't a thing here. But I like it. Everyone needs to know Spode's most important family member! |
Alas, this was always supposed to be on her car as well, but it didn't quite work out that way. Makes a good stall plate anyway. |
Now that I've settled in, riding is much more back to normal as well. The time off made me quite lazy and unbalanced, I admit. Spode and I have had a few disagreements about that, but we're back to where we were now. With the addition of teaching Oli to ride...
I quite like the guy now that I've gotten over my jealousy issues when it comes to Spode. He gives me more treats than her. |
And my skills have also increased to include, wait for it.... JUMPING! Yeah, I know! Me, the partially sighted horse! It's quite fun now that I've learned to pick up my back feet (er, well, most of the time. Hahem)
So it's not the world's largest jump. Give me a break! |
I've also become a pro at hacking on the road. There's some lovely woods and fields around, but we have to cross a bridge over a busy highway first, or take a tunnel underneath. Both are pretty scary! The first time I came across the bridge I legged it to the other side. A terrifying experience! The woods are lovely though. We take Oli with us sometimes. He's a good egg, old sports.
He's our personal GPS. Since Spode and I are both directionally challenged. |
In not so good news, my eyes were bad about a week ago. A bit painful but not in a uveitis way. Still, Spode got the vet out to me and I'm all better now thanks to the wonders of Maxidex, that very familiar medication. I just sighed when Spode showed me the ointment. Ah, we're back to that are we? But only 3 times a day, so that's better than usual. Lucky Spode is off of school at the moment!
Ouch! |
Yep, put in in my eyes and let me go back to sleep please. |
You can call them sunglasses as much as you like, old sport, they still wouldn't be accepted in East Egg. |
I do feel like I've landed in my home though. I miss the old Fox Hollow at times, but this is a good equivalent in the UK. It's homely and lovely and very very green. And sometimes muddy!
What are you looking at? |
It just means more grooming time for Spode, and I know she loves it! |
So all in all, things are going great old sports!
Life is good anywhere where daisies grow. Gatsby's life motto. |
It's hard not to miss Canada of course, but we all celebrated Canada Day together, and our little family makes it feel like home, slowly but surely. Spode and I take comfort in each other to combat our occasional home sickness. After all, what's more Canadian than being outside and with one another?
We're all Canadian at heart! Oli is an honourary citizen! |
Until later, old sports.
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