Hello old sports,
What can I say? I know. For a literary horse I write very little these days. I seem to be averaging one post a year lately. But you know, in the novel my namesake is not the author. We see everything through Nick Carraway’s eyes and he is like OBSESSED with the man. Now, let’s think for a minute here. Who follows ME around documenting my every move, checking out who I’m speaking to, who visits me, who attends my parties and plans my dates… that’s right! Spode is the Nick Carraway of my life and so if there’s anyone to blame, I’m pretty sure it’s her. If she’s that obsessed with me then surely SHE should be writing my life story, not me. For someone who claims to love books and has devoted her life to teaching kids about books she’s not being very true to her favourite book here. Just saying. She should have the blog, not me.
But we all know how that would end. She would whine and say that she has no time and school work makes her too tired blah blah blah. So I’ll continue with my writing. Better get my hooves back in the game! She’s got her own laptop now so we don’t have to share. No excuses from me!
I could be eating my round bale right now, but instead I'm taking the time out of my busy schedule to write this, so you'd better appreciate this old sports! |
So, where to begin since my last post? Well the issues I referred to in my last post are still a problem! I am still itchy, itchy, itchy in the, er, nether regions… trying to delicate here and retain my dignity but seriously the number of people who have seen some very not safe for work pictures of me and talked about my problems openly in front of all the other horses like they don’t even care that I’ll be teased by my friends is almost as annoying as the itching itself. Horse people are really not very lady-like. No sense of privacy and no shame.
Excuse me? Do you mind |
Anyway, Spode and my favourite vet have been working hard to find a solution and in all honesty it’s not so bad right now. But Spode recently found out that the dermatologist specialist we consulted with before is coming to our area soon so once there’s a date set we’ll be taking a little road trip up to Prescott hospital. It’ll be like the good old days of travelling to Toronto and the Royal Vet College in the UK. Yeah, I know my way around an equine surgery hospital. Spode is hoping that this trip will result in some answers so I don’t itch forever.
In other news, and this really should have been first, I have moved! Yes, I’ve left my long time home of Fox Hollow and have moved to Logoff Farms…just a few minutes down the road! When Spode told me we were moving I was getting myself ready for another long trailer ride and wasn’t even ready to come off when the trailer stopped after only 5 minutes.
My new friend Sheen the day I arrived! |
I moved to Logoff at the start of December. I liked it at Fox Hollow a lot but Spode said she wanted somewhere a little less busy to spend her time with me since she wants a break from people after a day at school. So we moved! Spode used to ride a little pony named Lexi at Logoff when she was young and horseless so when a spot became available she thought it would be a good fit. It has been great so far, old sports! I feel like I’m now living the life of luxury that a horse named Gatsby deserves!
First, they put up with my demands. I want access to the outside all the time and that’s what I got! Spode was quite stressed about me having to stay in at night during the winter because she knows I hate staying in a stall longer than I have to. Luckily it all worked out and I get to stay outside all day and all night, just the way I like. I also get fed twice a day now and am currently enjoying the grass and hay. Today I experienced the luxury of escaping the sun and bugs in my shelter, which comes fully equipped with a bug screen and a fan that turns on automatically when it’s really hot. Spode also says there are a lot of trails but we haven’t even checked these out yet! Coming soon!
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Never has this been more appropriate to my life and my new digs. |
Speaking of riding, WOW I have been working hard! I’m not considered semi-retired anymore, old sports, not by a long shot! It’s quite amazing when you think about it! My lungs were x-rayed and biopsied just a few years ago to reveal pulmonary fibrosis and it was a pretty dire outlook. But every year since I have gotten better and better and gone from fully retired to semi-retired, to full on working horse! Seriously old sports! I’m practically back to my pre-lung problem days! All the vets are amazed, Spode is thrilled, and I’m just enjoying the “wow what a lucky horse” comments. I’m the best. I know this. They don’t call me The Great Gatsby for nothing. The vet techs try and search my name at the clinic with just Gatsby sometimes and can’t find me in the system. I always have to remind them that they need the “Great”. You can’t have me without being Great! It just makes sense!
We're back in action! Go team! |
Anyway, I think I’d better leave it there for now old sports because if I write everything today I won’t want to write a second post a little later on! I promise you’re getting AT LEAST two posts this year!
Until later, old sports.
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