Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Gatsby's General Resolves/ Resolutions

Listen up, Old Sports.  Everyone turn to page 138 of your novels.  Now, who can tell me the significance of my friend Owl Eyes? What's this? You don't have your books with you? Did you even bring a pencil to class!? My god, pull yourselves together-I won't put up with this laziness and ill-preparedness any longer!!!

Oh, sorry--I forget myself.  I fall more and more into Spode's teacheriness every day.  She really rubs off on me.  Though I am much more strict than Spode is.  As if she would ever say that to a student! Nah, she's Ms. Wolff the Nice, and I don't think she has it in her to yell at a kid.  If how much she lets me walk all over her is any indication, the kids probably do the same (though hopefully with less slobber).  Sigh, I'll probably be wishing I didn't say that later.  I'm sure Spode will go into another lecture about her teaching philosophy and her ideals of respecting students and knowing them all personally and never talking to them as if they're beneath you... She's rather idealist, my Spode.  And in truth, it does seem to work out for her.  If it didn't, I don't think she would still be working with teenagers in schools whenever possible.

Sheesh, look at me getting off topic (also something I picked up from Spode's teaching practice, no doubt!) Back to page 138...

Don't be fooled by the big note about Owl Eyes (yeesh, don't get Spode started on him! The girl's obsessed with that character! Not as obsessed as she is with my namesake, of course, but pretty close!)  No, instead focus on Gatsby's list of General Resolves. It's New Year's Eve today, and I'm coming up with my first ever New Year's Resolutions.  Gatsby's are great, so I'll use his list as inspiration for mine.

Pay attention to the green light, kids!

No wasting time at the gate waiting for dinner/Spode.  I spend hours there, and all to no avail.  Spode will come when she comes, there's no rhyme or reason to her time of arrival.  Sometimes it's at 8 am, sometimes it's at 7pm.  I might as well just play around with the other horses.  And dinner? Well that's always at 4pm, but I sometimes hope that they'll feel pity on me and feed me early if I put on my cute face.  Alas, it has never worked.  I think it's time to kick the habit.

No more chewing...Spode! Or lead ropes, or jackets, or Christmas decorations, or anything else other than my bit and the hay.  Phew.  This is gonna be a tough one, Old Sports.  It's not my fault, I'm teething! My teeth are falling out and new ones are coming in. It's so nice to have a good chew on something, especially my lead.  And Christmas decorations are actually delicious. In my defence, I've never actually bitten Spode, but I do like to use my lips on her.  She's told me I need to stop that baby habit, so we'll see what the new year brings!

Stand relatively still for bathing. I do this sometimes, but the goal for the new year is to do it all the time.  I know Spode will appreciate this one! And I'm sure I'll get plenty of treats for it.  Plus, I do like to keep my stockings clean.  One should always do one's laundry...and do it well.

Read one improving book. Period. Considering how literature obsessed my mum is, I do not read very often.  I'll try to read at least ONE book this year! Whether it's Dressage 101 or a classical work of Shakespeare.  I don't know which it will be yet.  I'll do a book club segment on which ever I choose!

Save money in vet bills. Easier said than done, Old Sports! This is a tough one! My eye is still not %100, so that might just be the first bill of the year already.... I'll try, Spode, but no guarantees.

Be better to mum.  That means stop pawing, stop biting, stop taking Spode for walks, and stop pushing her with my head. That'll prevent the guilt Gatsby himself felt, I'm sure.

That's a wrap, Old Sports! Spode told me her only New Year's Resolution is to be a little bit more firm with me and less forthcoming with food.  Isn't that terrible!? No offence, mum, but you suck at this resolution thing.  It's supposed to make you a better person. Your resolutions are doing just the opposite, if you want my humble opinion.

Regardless though, I am looking forward to closing the door on 2013 and opening 2014.  2013 was a bit of a rough year for both of us--me because I was suddenly uprooted from my life and everything changed.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it now, but it was stressful nonetheless. Very stressful.  2014, on the other hand, is laid out before me perfectly, and I know I'm sticking with Spode.  Wonderful!

Until next year, Old Sports!


Saturday, 28 December 2013

Ponying? But I am not a pony!!

Phew, it's been a busy few days, Old Sports! Spode has been asking a lot of me, taking no sympathy on me for my still sore eyes (never fear, they're almost 100% again, and as long as they look the same tomorrow, no more eye drops for me!).  Actually, about that... Spode was rather upset with me because I destroyed my pink rag of a fly mask/suit.  It wasn't my fault! The other horses wanted to play! I can't resist peer pressure, I just can't.  As a wannabe teacher, I hope Spode will understand how difficult it is not to get wrapped up in teenage hijinks.  There are too many of us young'ns in that field.  You can't expect us to be good all the time.  She should just be thankful I didn't rip the entirety of the blanket.  She knows I could've if I wanted to...
Anyway, I tried to bury the evidence of our teenage hijinks, but Spode was a woman on a mission searching in the field, and eventually she uncovered it.
Oops.  And Spode found the missing ear yesterday! 
Anyway, despite the trouble I was in, Spode still wanted to play with me and dress me up in my Christmas bell boots.  So flashy.  I'm a flashy dresser, just like Fitzgerald's Gatsby.  I could make Daisy cry with all my beautiful clothes.
I have the green light on my feet!

My green lights are coming for you!
We did do some work, not just gazing.  Sigh.  But not as much work as we did yesterday! I was introduced to cavaletti yesterday.  It was okay.  Very similar to the trot poles, actually.  I just had to think about it a little more.  I didn't trip, so Spode was thrilled, and we spent the rest of the day out in the field.  Spode wanted to take pictures, but I was not interested in standing still anymore, so we got stuck in the snow together.  Literally.

But my eyes! Can't you see how tired I am?
I was really tired of photos...
Hmm, is there any food buried under here for me?

No? Well, do you have any for me then?

Why do you keep moving away from me? I'm just going to keep following your tracks you know...
Well, that was a terrible idea.  Now I'm stuck in the tractor rut I fell into!

Hmm, well, might as well have a pee break while I'm stuck...

I didn't just get stuck in the snow, either.  I also got stuck under the wind break.  My height combined with the snow means I can't duck under there so easily anymore.  I need to bend my knees!

I can do it!

Wait, no.  No I can't...

 Anyway, today we had even more work to do.  I had my very first introduction to ponying with Striker.  I was a little confused for a while.
Hey, what are these leather things attached to your bit? Can I eat them? Oh my god, it makes you turn! I love it!!

Now what?

Am I supposed to knock you off Striker? Because that sounds like fun to me, and I'm sure Striker would agree.

We did lots of walking and whoaing, and Striker and I were getting along well.  I was eating him a little too much, according to Spode, but he didn't seem to mind being my chew toy when I got bored.  Nah, I wasn't that annoying.  We were pretty good at whoaing and walking together as soon as Spode said the word after only 5 or 10 minutes.  But then suddenly we were trotting.  Ah!!! Spode made me trot on the inside at first, but I'm a little too fast fro Striker, so I kept breaking to a walk and then being too slow.  So frustrating.  But then we changed direction and I was on the outside, and that was perfect! We quite enjoyed ourselves, us three! 
Ah, Okay.  I see the point, Old Sport!

Hmm, okay, this is a little more tricky, but I'm doing it!

A great first introduction to ponying, but I really take issue with the name.  Can we call it Gatsbying instead? That sounds much more suitable to me! 

Until later, Old Sports!


Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas, Old Sports!

Spode gave me even more treats than usual today.  Why? Because it's some sort of Christmas thing today, that's why! Sounds good to me! I didn't even have to do anything.  Yum.  I love Christmas, whatever it is...

My eyes were better today.  I'm still squinting and they're a tiny bit swollen, but I'm definitely on the mend.  Thank goodness, because I don't like those eye drops at all. Yesterday was the worst day, and it spread to both my eyes.  It was also super sunny so I could hardly see at all and Spode forced me to wear my pink rag of a suit even though it's winter! So embarrassing.
Ugh, mum!!

Today she brought over lots of green things and tried on these super cool XL moon boots.  They were a little snug, but then I'm a little hairy, so it might all work out. 

And Spode told me she got some shirts to ride in next year when she sits on me.  Great!

Aside from that, we just hung out together and played follow the leader out in the paddock.  I even let  Spode give me a hug around my neck, AND I hugged her back.  Merry Christmas!!!

Until later, Old Sports.  Have a wonderful Christmas!!
No tofurky dinner for me? What!?


Monday, 23 December 2013

The weather everywhere is frightful, but I am still delightful!

Ok, I've had enough of freezing rain.  No more, please.  It prevented Spode from visiting yesterday! How horrid!  Thankfully, she did make it out the day before, and she rescued me from my icicles.  I was like a Gatsby ice cube.

Excuse the photo quality.  I need to a hire a new photographer, clearly.  Spode is no good!
So Spode de-iced me (it was a very slow process--but I was dry and warm underneath!).  After that, we did some training, and she bundled me up in a blanket.  Ugh.  I tried to roll it off, but it was secured.  Spode might not be good at photography, but she knows how to adjust a blanket.  Rats. 
I also tried to eat a christmas wreath.  Delicious. The one bough I stole was great, and I tried to eat more but I was deterred.  I have a thing for pine...

Anyway, despite being wrapped in a blanket and Spode fretting about whether I was sweating again or not, I'm sure, Spode was a no show yesterday.  What!?  But how can you resist this face??
Am I making you all gooey on the inside?? Yeah, thought so.

No, really.
Look at your man.  Now back to me.  Now look at your man, now back to ME.
So what happens when Spode doesn't come? She doesn't get this face the next day.  She gets this face:
Ow.  This is all your fault!
Yeah, my eye is all swollen.  Pink eye? Maybe.   Anyway, it was all in my master plan, because it meant that Spode had to come out twice.  The downside is that the second time she came was to give me eye drops, which wasn't very fun.  She tried to feed me a carrot after but my teeth are sore and that didn't work.  Ugh. 

Anyway, I now feel kind of guilty for getting pink eye because I found out that she drew a pretty picture of me when she couldn't get to the barn.  Oops.  Well, don't I feel mean now... But sheesh! It took her soooo long to finally whip out the sketch pad! So maybe it was justified anyway...

How dashing... even if my hooves are all messed up. 

Until later, Old Sports.



Wednesday, 18 December 2013

I don't think the dentist approves of sweets, Spode...

I'm growing up, Old Sports! I lost THREE baby teeth caps today! Problem: how will the tooth fairy find them in my field?  And what will I get in exchange?  Money can't buy you happiness (Fitzgerald's Gatsby taught me that).  So maybe treats?  But please, no sugary kinds.  Spode's mum tried to feed me a candy cane, and I frankly did not enjoy it very much.  Besides, what if it makes even more of my teeth fall out!!
Nope.  No thanks. 
I really just like the horse cubes she started me off with.  Still not entirely a fan of apples and carrots, and definitely no mints. It takes me a long time to get used to things.  I've never read Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham... I'm more of a green light kind of guy.

So yeah, I met some more of Spode's family today.  I showed off my ground driving skills.  Maybe not as good as Monday, but I was half way decent.  I'm growing up--gotta behave! (Hahaha).

I also showed off my ability to listen to voice commands when she let me loose after our training. I've got the trot and canter pretty much down pat.  I get walk and whoa, but I don't like to stay away from Spode when she says that.  I want to come and see her.  Spode says we have to work on it.  Oh joy. 

Anyway, no pictures of me today, Old Sports.  Don't want you guys getting bored of my gorgeousness. So, until later, Old Sports!


Monday, 16 December 2013

Good as Gold, except for one minor detail...

I think I made Spode's week with my behaviour today.  I was an angel in the cross ties (for once).   Spode has been getting after me for wanting to have my face in her face all the time, so now she wants me to keep my neck moderately straight while I stand.  So dull.
What's the point? Ugh. 
Anyway, I was very agreeable today and just stood like she asked.  To make her life even better, I also didn't move when she put my surcingle on me, even though it's been weeks since we've done any proper training.  This is the recipe for a happy Spode. The cherry on top? Shoving my head into the bridle as fast as my clyde nose could go.  I opened my mouth so wide that I surprised her.  Gatsby for the win, Old Sports!

We went on our way to the arena and Spode "hitched me up" to the lunge lines.  We had a very pleasant time going through our paces.  Walking, diagonals, whoaing with nary a pull on the lines, and trotting without skipping a beat.  Perfection.  Sure, I was a little drunk on a couple of the diagonals, but otherwise I was great.  I also stood perfectly still while she released me from the lines, which usually makes me a little impatient...

So, Old Sports, I was doing great and totally in Spode's good books.  Striker was also an angel, so we were making her day together.  Spode fed me my warm dinner, and then led me out to the pasture.  Now, Spode knows that the first thing I like to do after I eat dinner is take a big swig of water.  She usually takes off my halter, gives me a treat, and I'm off.  Today, however, Shiraz was at the gate pulling faces, so Spode decided to give me treats before she took the halter off in case I ran away as soon as she unbuckled it.  Hmmm.  So Spode gave me a treat, and I started to walk off.  I barely even realized that I still had a Spode attached to me.  I did hear her say whoa! but I had my belly set on that water! Spode eventually had to let go because the gate was still open, so off I went to the water with my rope dragging between my feet, and Spode running after me to try and catch up.  Oops! But Spode, you should just be thankful I didn't break anything! 

Luckily my earlier behaviour was so good that Spode still smooched me good bye.  Phew! Close call.  

Until later, Old Sports.


Saturday, 14 December 2013

Baby, it's cold outside!

Wooo! Spode's back, Old Sports! How happy was I to see her? So happy I spooked the other horses with my running! I was at that gate in a flash.
Mama, mama, you're home!! 
She had the gall to make me wait for my treats while she took cutesy pictures of me.  Sigh.  This is what you get for being Jay Gatsby.  Everyone just wants to take pictures. Well, maybe not everyone, but definitely Miss Daisy, er, Spode.
Yay, I love you so much I cantered here! Surely I deserve food now?

You're taking an awfully long time...

Why did I even bother!
 When she finally did feed me and bring me into the barn, it was too cold out for her to do much.  She untangled my tail and scrubbed my stockings.  We snuggled.  Yeah. That was our day in the barn--Spode was chilly! We did go and play in the arena though:
It's cold! Why do I have to run!?

How about you run! 
My moustache is growing! 

I see why you like this, Spode.  It's quite delicious...

Ok, so neither of us did much running.  Spode did make me go through the trot poles a few times, but that was it.  I managed to scare Spode when I shoved the pole out of her hand when she was carrying it.  I was just trying to help! My Clydesdale strength gets out of control sometimes...

Sorry about that...
After that she fed me dinner and put me out for the night.  Tasty way to end the day. My dinner was also slightly warmed from the water she used. Delicious! 

Today was even colder, but we again played in the arena.  Nothing useful, I have to say.  Spode didn't want to do any ground driving because she wanted to keep her hands in her pockets for the most time.    At least I didn't have to run around too much, as a result.  Instead we started playing soccer.  Yeah, such a useful skill for a 2 year old horse.  I'm pretty good at rolling it with my nose.  We'll get to scoring later.

For the second time in my life, I'm wearing a blanket right now. I wore one in August for about 20 minutes so Spode could make sure I didn't freak out too much.  Other than that, I live out naked and have never been cold.  Today though, Spode decided to bundle me up in a thick winter blanket. It's super cold, very windy, and now we've got snow.  Brrrrr! I didn't enjoy getting it put on very much, and it's too long for me.  I kept trying to eat it off of myself.  The barn manager told Spode that I'm the one who ripped her blanket that she put on Striker, so she's not too thrilled with me, I know.  But I don't like these very much! I am warm though, so I get why Striker really wanted me to leave his tail flap on...
Do you think I could pull it off over my head?

Does this make my legs look long? I thought so too! 
 Anyway, bundle up, Old Sports! It's cold enough to freeze your frogs off! I think Spode might just leave my blankie on for a couple days... if it lasts that long.

Until later, Old Sports.


Sunday, 8 December 2013

This is What Family Feels Like!

Happy day, Old Sports, Happy Day! I had a visitor come to my lonely abode.

That's right, I think Spode must have read yesterday's piteous blog post and...taken pity on me.  Today her mum and a friend stopped by to say hello to me and remove that mud and those tangles.  Most importantly, I got treats!

Good lord it's a human related to my human.  I'M COMING!!
She took pictures with me and fed me treats.  I then started to get nippy.  The only reason I'm putting that here where Spode can see is because I know she'll hear about it anyway.  There's no way to hide it.  I suspect i'll be in big trouble for that upon her return... sigh. Oops.  I just can't resist... 

These aren't my usual cross ties, but okay! Just groom me and get my itchy spots! Also, more treats??
Spode's mum and her friend cleaned me up and checked me over.  All good! I've behaved myself while Spode's not around to look after minor booboos.  It was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.  Not as pleasant as with Spode (she gives me more treats because she's a suck!) but I felt like I was a true part of the family today, and family is a good!

Look, Spode! Your mum fixed my mane so it's lying on the correct side...for 5 minutes. 
After I took Spode's mum for a brief walk, she let me back out and checked on Striker dude for Spode too.  Hey, now you're stealing my family too!? What is this!?
Yo, Spode. I'm cool, dawg--don't hurry home.  Loving this no work thing! 
We got into a bit of an argument over it, I'm afraid.  Sorry Spode, I know you're unimpressed...

Before I knew it, they were heading back to the gate.  Way too soon! 

Already? But, but, but...
Yep, I was definitely not happy to see them go.  But they assured me that Spode is returning on Friday, so I don't have too much longer to wait! I'll be counting down the days.  I need an advent calendar...

Until later, Old Sports.
