I'm growing up, Old Sports! I lost THREE baby teeth caps today! Problem: how will the tooth fairy find them in my field? And what will I get in exchange? Money can't buy you happiness (Fitzgerald's Gatsby taught me that). So maybe treats? But please, no sugary kinds. Spode's mum tried to feed me a candy cane, and I frankly did not enjoy it very much. Besides, what if it makes even more of my teeth fall out!!
Nope. No thanks. |
I really just like the horse cubes she started me off with. Still not entirely a fan of apples and carrots, and definitely no mints. It takes me a long time to get used to things. I've never read Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham... I'm more of a green light kind of guy.
So yeah, I met some more of Spode's family today. I showed off my ground driving skills. Maybe not as good as Monday, but I was half way decent. I'm growing up--gotta behave! (Hahaha).
I also showed off my ability to listen to voice commands when she let me loose after our training. I've got the trot and canter pretty much down pat. I get walk and whoa, but I don't like to stay away from Spode when she says that. I want to come and see her. Spode says we have to work on it. Oh joy.
Anyway, no pictures of me today, Old Sports. Don't want you guys getting bored of my gorgeousness. So, until later, Old Sports!
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