Wooo! Spode's back, Old Sports! How happy was I to see her? So happy I spooked the other horses with my running! I was at that gate in a flash.
Mama, mama, you're home!! |
She had the gall to make me wait for my treats while she took cutesy pictures of me. Sigh. This is what you get for being Jay Gatsby. Everyone just wants to take pictures. Well, maybe not everyone, but definitely Miss Daisy, er, Spode.
Yay, I love you so much I cantered here! Surely I deserve food now? |
You're taking an awfully long time... |
Why did I even bother! |
When she finally did feed me and bring me into the barn, it was too cold out for her to do much. She untangled my tail and scrubbed my stockings. We snuggled. Yeah. That was our day in the barn--Spode was chilly! We did go and play in the arena though:
It's cold! Why do I have to run!? |
How about you run! |
My moustache is growing! |
I see why you like this, Spode. It's quite delicious... |
Ok, so neither of us did much running. Spode did make me go through the trot poles a few times, but that was it. I managed to scare Spode when I shoved the pole out of her hand when she was carrying it. I was just trying to help! My Clydesdale strength gets out of control sometimes...
Sorry about that... |
After that she fed me dinner and put me out for the night. Tasty way to end the day. My dinner was also slightly warmed from the water she used. Delicious!
Today was even colder, but we again played in the arena. Nothing useful, I have to say. Spode didn't want to do any ground driving because she wanted to keep her hands in her pockets for the most time. At least I didn't have to run around too much, as a result. Instead we started playing soccer. Yeah, such a useful skill for a 2 year old horse. I'm pretty good at rolling it with my nose. We'll get to scoring later.
For the second time in my life, I'm wearing a blanket right now. I wore one in August for about 20 minutes so Spode could make sure I didn't freak out too much. Other than that, I live out naked and have never been cold. Today though, Spode decided to bundle me up in a thick winter blanket. It's super cold, very windy, and now we've got snow. Brrrrr! I didn't enjoy getting it put on very much, and it's too long for me. I kept trying to eat it off of myself. The barn manager told Spode that I'm the one who ripped her blanket that she put on Striker, so she's not too thrilled with me, I know. But I don't like these very much! I am warm though, so I get why Striker really wanted me to leave his tail flap on...
Do you think I could pull it off over my head? |
Does this make my legs look long? I thought so too! |
Anyway, bundle up, Old Sports! It's cold enough to freeze your frogs off! I think Spode might just leave my blankie on for a couple days... if it lasts that long.
Until later, Old Sports.
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