Saturday, 20 July 2013

"I’m going to tell you something about my life . . . I don’t want you to get a wrong idea of me from all these stories you hear.”

"Back, Gatsby. Back."

That's what Spode says.  And I agree, but I don't mean moving my feet back, like she does.  I need to back up and tell you about my life so far.

So.  From the beginning.
I was born in Richmond at Eveningside Farm, a cattle and heavy horse/horse trading place.  It was a homely beginning.  I got lots of love but--lucky me--I never had to learn any skills except for wearing a halter on occasion.  I got plenty of adoration from neighbours, who called me either Prince or Charlie depending on who was calling.

Me as a baby:

Yeah, that's right, I had 4 white legs.  Baby fur is awesome.  Now I have three white legs and a black leg with a lucky spot (consider it my medal for valour extraordinaire!).  I've always been a bit special...

I grew up with an assortment of horses and ponies through the years, most recently with my buddy Prince (yes, we were all called Prince).  He's also a TB/Clyde, and I considered him my big brother even though we aren't related.  I miss him.

 Spode came to see me one day in June and I followed her around, which she seemed to enjoy.  When she tried to lead me though, I put my foot down (literally).  Had to teach her who's boss from the beginning, you know?

Spode left and I didn't hear from her again for a while, but one morning, on June 26th, I woke up and was led onto a big metal box.  It smelt like horses so I figured it was safe.  Unfortunately it was all a trick.  As soon as I got on, the box was shut and I was trapped.  Foiled! Even worse, the box started to move and shake! A terrifying day.  When the box opened again, I was somewhere completely new:

Thankfully there were other horses there.  I wanted to talk to everyone but they didn't seem too interested in me.  Sheesh, they didn't know what they were missing!

Spode arrived--what a surprise! Another lady came with her who she called "the vet".  She smelled funny and she kept trying to touch me which I didn't like.  She checked me all over and said there were no problems.  Well god, I could have told her that! No one ever asks me...

I had to run around a bit for them (fine by me!) and then my old owner left and Spode was all mine.  She led me to my new field beside a horse named Harold.  He reminded me a bit of Prince, so I took an immediate shine to him.  No, you can't repeat the past, but you can come damn close.

And that's that, Old Sport.  I have been living with Spode for a little over three weeks.  It's all a blur. I still remember hanging out with all my buddies at the old place.  Wasn't too long ago that I was just a wee colt. A nobody from the midwest.  I had no idea that I would one day become The Great Gatsby.

Until later, Old Sports.


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