Friday, 19 July 2013

Well I am a Literary Horse, after all...

I've been living a new life as Jay Gatsby for three weeks now, and I think it's time to get serious.  I've decided this Spode kid ain't so bad so I think I'll keep her around.  Might as well settle into the old literary thing and work on my writing since that's what she's in to.  As such, I think you'll find me quite eloquent for a mere two-year-old. Of course, in your human years, I'd be around 13 and since Spode's mission in life is to teach teens how to read and write, it's no wonder I'm learning so fast. I guess those Fitzgerald quotations help too.

For a wannabe teacher, Spode has a lot to learn, that's for sure.  But she's trying so I'm more tolerant letting her be around me now.  My main problem is that she thinks SHE should get to decide what I eat, when I should walk, when I should stand still, and when I should allow her to spray me with that awful bottle of corrosive flesh eating chemicals (or "fly spray" as she calls it).  Oh, she'll learn.

Today was quite eventful.  Spode came running up saying something about a "tornado" and said I would have to come inside.  I love checking out the barn so that was a-ok.  I don't even try to climb the walls of my bedroom anymore.  As soon as she brought me and all of my friends in it started to pour.  I watched the rain come down and contemplated my namesake's episode in the rain, when he finally met Daisy.  If there's one thing Spode has taught me, it's that Fitzgerald is always applicable.

Anyway, I let Spode brush me and then she said "Ok Jay, let's try something new today."  She showed me a big orange snaky-looking thing and told me not to chew it, or I'd be quite shocked at the result (then she giggled, and I have no idea why). She attached another snaky-looking black thing to it, which had a sharp bit at the end. That was all right, but then she said "here we go..." and the sharp bit suddenly buzzed and started moving! And then she had the gall to try and bring that Vibrating Teeth of Death Machine close to me! Spode kept telling me that they were "just clippers, so take a load off, silly" but I disagreed. I resisted for about ten minutes, but when she did manage to touch me with them, I found out they weren't so bad.  Actually the vibration was quite pleasant.  She gave me a feather massage and I fell asleep.  Sort of a stress-be-gone machine.  When I woke up I also saw that it was a feathers-be-gone machine too, but I don't mind.

Alas, there was more stress today.  Spode decided to feed me and my buddies inside today, which I haven't experienced before.  I love my food, so I followed her to the corner of my bedroom and tried to stick my nose in the bowl.  Unfortunately, my "noggin is too big" (again, Spode's words. I would never be so rude).  I just wanted the food, but instead she left the bedroom without giving me anything! Oh god I was mad.  I stomped and I kicked the wall and I threw my head demanding that she feed me NOW. And what did Spode do? Feed me? Oh, no. Instead she slapped me!  She kept pointing to a black thing on the wall and saying "HERE!" but I just kept checking her hands.  She sighed and left my room again, returning with the tasty brown sugary stuff.  She put some in the black thing on the wall and it smelled soooo good that I had to check it out.  What did I find? Dinner! It was in the black wall thing the whole time! Ahh, that hit the spot.

I forgave Spode after that and we went outside and said good night to each other.  Never a dull moment with that kid, I swear.

Until later, Old Sports.


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