Friday, 25 October 2013

Did Fitzgerald's Gatsby have a hitch in his gait? 'Cause I sure do...

Good evening, Old Sports! I'm writing this from my comfy stall today.  Thick bed of shavings, as much hay as I could possibly eat, and nice neighbours (yes, pun intended).

As nice as it is, I'm a little sick of the decor at this point.  24 hours and counting. This time yesterday Spode came out to see me and I was hiding in the shelter.  Spode thought that was pretty unusual, and then I seemed to be walking a tad stiffly, too.  Spode figured mud was to blame since it was a little easier for me to walk properly once I hit the pavement.

Spode forgot about my legs once I got in the barn because my eyes were leaking.  I was crying big fat Gatsby tears, it's true.
I is hurt, Spode!
I stood with my head down and didn't move a muscle with my eyes half closed and slightly loud breathing.  Spode took my temperature (several times, sigh) but I wasn't hot.  If anything I was a bit cold. I just felt terrible.
Anyway, Spode pondered and pondered and asked me a million times what was the matter, but she practically fell to the ground when when she tried to pick up my left hind hoof. I couldn't do it.  I stretched my leg out straight behind me, and then it suddenly snapped forward (I almost knocked my Spode out the first time).  Tried again and it was the same.  Cue panic. Sheesh, and I thought I cried fat tears.  So, Spode contacted the stable manager and asked if she could put me in a stall for the night until the vet could come out in the a.m. She tucked me into bed and I ate my hay quietly.  I was taking funny steps every now and then, but mostly it was just when she tried to pick my hoof up I couldn't physically lift it.  We were both upset by that. The one good thing was I got a second dinner with some bute. Yeah baby! Love bute. 

Spode came back to visit bright and early in the a.m.  I had no more tears and my eyes were bright, but my leg was worse.  Every step was a funny step, and I was dragging it behind me sometimes. We waited and waited for the vet to arrive, though Spode told me that she suspected my stifle was locking. She just wanted the doctor to come and confirm and check that it wasn't something else.  When the vet did finally arrive, Spode took me out of my stall and the vet thought it was stifles right away, too.  He held onto it while I walked to feel what was going on.  Yep.  My patella (new vocab for the day!) is pushing out laterally and the ligaments aren't releasing from the "stand" position.  It hurts a little.  The vet hopes I'll grow out of it, but wants me to rest in the stall for the moment and go for walks up and down hills in the hay fields.  I'll stay in until I see how the walking is making me feel. Hopefully just until tomorrow afternoon or Sunday morning.  If it keeps happening, then I might need surgery.  NOOOOO! 

I went for a walk today though.  First time out in the hay fields (er, except that time I escaped). There was one scary part, but other than that it was all fine.  It actually made me a bit tired.  Already made my leg a little better, I think, but it's still getting stuck. 

Snack time after exercise! 

I was happy enough to go back into my stall after the walk, especially since dinner (yes, with bute!) was waiting for me.  I ate up, downed a bucket of water, and then tipped my dinner bowl into my shavings.  When I flipped it back over, it had shavings in it.  But I didn't realize and thought it was dinner! Spode had to take it away from me to make me stop eating them.  Hey, shush.  I'm tired, okay?
Mmmm, pine. 
Looking forward to two walks tomorrow.  If you see a small Spode leading her 17hh "puppy" by the road, DON'T honk unless you want to see Spode dislocate her shoulder for the 3rd time (she lectured me about pulling on our walk.  Basically Spode took the opportunity to talk the entire time we walked.  Oy. No wonder I'm tired.)  The barn manager was laughing afterwards because she said all she could see when she looked out in the field was my back.  Spode was hidden completely. I'm the biggest great dane you'll ever see...

Until later, Old Sports.


Monday, 21 October 2013

Even More Friends...

...But not the equine kind!  Nope, I have my very own canine friend now.  His name is Newton.  Spode says hanging out with a dog named after a genius is probably a better idea than hanging around with Amadeus.  Well, Mozart was a genius too, actually, so I don't know what the big deal is.  But I do get that she thinks Newton is probably a better influence than Amadeus boy.  I'll give her that.

Anyway, Newton was playing Shadow yesterday.
See? Hanging out with a smart dog does not improve my manners, and I will NOT put my tongue back in my mouth! So there. 
Newton stayed put the whole time Spode groomed and tacked me up.  Then he came out to the sand ring with us, even going through the huge puddle first (I only agreed to walk through it when Spode offered me a treat.  I've so got that kid wrapped around my hoof). We did some ground driving and Newton observed.  He cheered me on.
"Yeah!! Go team Gatsby!"
I also had to cross the scary bridge.  Again, because I have Spode wrapped around my hoof, I only agreed to cross the bridge for some treats.  There could be trolls under there!
Can I please get off now?

Then, because I behaved myself, Spode let me eat grass. 
You coming, Newton?

"No grass for me, thanks."
I'll just sit here with Spode and watch...
All in all a good day! I like an audience. But Spode spent so much time with me that she got a phone call asking if she was ever going to come home, so she had to quickly bring me back to paddock.  I was relieved to hear this, actually.  Not because I had had enough of Spode, but because I REALLY had to pee. I only just made it in the gate!
When a horse has gotta go, a horse has gotta go... Let me just add to the gate's mud puddle!
Spode just said I was lazy.  I would have denied this adamantly, but then I spied some grass by my hooves and I just had to snack. 
Fine, take your damning photo.  I don't care what you say, I am not lazy OR a pig!
And that was that! So long Sunday.  Bring on Thursday.  

Until later, Old Sports.


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Still as a Statue: My Conflict Avoidance Strategy

Bonjour, Old Sports!

I apologize for my lack of posts of late.  I had my usual up and down weekend.  One day left! Up or down day? I don't know...

Anyway, I'll catch you all up.  Let's see.  Thursday was grand.  Spode came when dusk was falling and the deer were galavanting in the fields (why yes, my eye sight is sharp.  How did you know! I spotted those deers way before Spode did!). No one was around so Spode took the opportunity to teach me something new: "ground tying".  It was a little confusing. And when I finally did get the concept, and Spode let me move my feet forward again, I didn't trust her! She picked up my rope and clucked, and I stood like a rock.  I said to Spode, I said, "Uh-uh, no way kiddo.  I totally understand that I get pets and happy voices when I stand still, and grumpy voices when I move.  Nope, I'm standing right here."  For some strange reason this just made Spode giggle.  Eventually I understood that it was a-ok to move.  Ok, haha, very funny...

The only other thing we did together on Thursday was my hairdo.  My entire mane was on the wrong side of my neck, much to Spode's dismay.  The braids have returned to fix my mess.  Spode is a traditionalist.  Let's call her the old money type.  Baby, my hair is new money all the way--it's all in my mid-Western (cough cough) background!  We'll see which side wins (spoiler alert: neither. Read the book, Old Sport!)  Personally, I think I'm going to have a split mane my whole life, which means Spode will be going crazy for the rest of my life. Mission accomplished.

After my hair was prettified and "corrected", we played around in the arena for a few minutes until Spode's mum came to whisk her away. Shucks, no exercise for me.  How terribly sad. Not...
Look out the window with me, Spode! The Oddity is here! 
On Friday, Spode brought me in while the stable manager was there.  She told Spode that I am on the verge of FINALLY making another equine friend aside from good old Tyr/Nick C. Amadeus (hmm, that sounds like an Old Money name, doesn't it? Or he is more of a Wolfsheim figure? Note-no relation to my Wolff, who's a good egg and not a fixer!) 
Anyway, the stable manager told Spode that I have my daily snooze in the sun with Amadeus, and when he wakes up, he chews on the hairs of my chinny-chin-chin.  I don't like this one bit, but because I don't want to start a tussle, I pretend to be asleep.  Perfect strategy, don't you think? It works on Amadeus, anyway!  Today, Spode decided she does not approve of this new friendship one little bit, because Amadeus is a rude horse.  He's very mean-tempered and aggressive towards humans around feed time, and Spode doesn't want me to pick up any bad habits.  Don't get mixed up with the wrong crowd! That's the key to keeping my head up in my teenage years.  Indeed, whenever I come in the barn at night and walk past his stall, he charges the wall with teeth bared and ears flattened.  A bully! 

But back to Saturday. Spode was less than impressed with my behaviour.  In fact, she called me downright obnoxious (the nerve of that kid!).  I fidgeted like a newbie again and tried to bite her when I got fed up with her telling me to stand.  I consequently got a slap on the nose. The horror!! Ugh. 
When she got me tacked up and ready for ground driving, I was still distracted and not in the mood to listen, but I did eventually agree to walk and trot as directed.  Such a bore.  I think she'll likely want to do it again tomorrow just to be sure I don't put up a fight again.  I was just not in the mood to focus, that's all.

Today was a much better day.  I was wet and muddy from a downpour, so she hosed me down and I stood like a pro.  Good start for us both.  She took out my braids because I was so itchy and then took me into the arena and let me loose to play.  And play I did!

After Spode had had her fill of trying unsuccessfully to get a decent picture of me, she decided to put the camera away and try something new that I later learned was called "join up".  She started making me run, trot or canter, and she wouldn't let me turn unless she said so.  And could I stop? Nope! I was a bit confused at the start.  But eventually I started to get tired, so I flicked my ears her way, dropped my head, and started chewing.  I just wanted to see if she understood horsey language, but I wasn't holding up much hope.  But guess what! As soon as I started chewing, she dropped the whip and turned her back to me, lowering her own head.  I slammed on the breaks and walked straight over to her. Then she walked forward, backed up, and trotted herself and I followed right behind.  She speaks horse pretty well! English lit and horse translation. Not bad, Spode. She was just happy that I understood well before I started to run too much.  She doesn't want me to run much in the tight arena space because of my baby joints and fragile, growing legs.  She would have had to give up if I didn't start chewing within a reasonable time frame, she told me. It was a fun day.  After we joined up we went back in the barn since I had mostly dried off, and we did some more ground tying practice and then I had dinner. 
Oh, lead rope is on the ground?  Cue statue Gatsby!
Hey... wait a second! This rope isn't tied to anything!  I've been had!!

More fun tomorrow, I'm sure.

Until later, Old Sports.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Will You Still Love Me When I'm No Longer Young and Beautiful?

For the Old Sports who haven't seen the new movie, here's your reference for my title today:

Young and Beautiful

Yeah, that's right.  I've watched the movie myself! Well, maybe not, but I have listened to the song!

Well, where was I? I had a great weekend! On Saturday and Sunday we did more ground driving, and I was sooooo good (yes, even according to Spode!).  I did walk, trot, and whoa perfectly.  It's the first time Spode and I have trotted while ground driving. All Spode had to do was jog in place and I quickly understood what she wanted. So many treats were forthcoming as a result.  Best. Day. Ever.

Spode had to wait a long time at the barn to work with me because the rings were busy, but I got to fool around while we waited, and eat of course.  It was awesome.  I was actually disappointed that Spode had to go in the end, it was such a good day.

 I liked yesterday better than I did today. Don't get me wrong, today was good too, but it tested my patience.  Spode brought me in, hosed off my legs, and then set to work.  Her mum joined in and helped brush off all the mud, and then Spode put my mane up into 8 fat braids in a jiffy.  Still, I did not enjoy having to stand still for so long.  My feathers got a slight trim again, too.   After that, I had to stand still while Spode wrapped my legs in these loooong strips of white fabric she called polos. Not much fun, but Spode said I was a good boy.  Then she put a big white pad on and a saddle.  Argh.  Hooves were polished, and then Spode tried to put my bridle on.  I had hit my limit at that point, so I tried to run away when she slipped my halter off.  Took Spode for a little jaunt down the aisle before she stopped me and put me in my place.

Then we took photos.  Story of my life.
One braid fell out right away.  What else do you expect from a 10 minute braid job, Spode?  We got ourselves sorted again soon enough.
Hello world!
Well, sort of sorted out.  Dressing up can only go so far--Spode is still Spode and I am still me.
Shake, shake, shake!
Spode was pretty pleased with how fancy I was looking though, when I wasn't shaking. 

Gatbsy's the name.  Jay Gatsby.
The sand was ever so slightly wet and looked oh so good for rolling, so rather than worrying about it, Spode decided to take off the saddle before I broke the tree.  I boogied. 

And then I got to eat grass. Spode wasn't too pleased that I was eating in my new bridle, but she wasn't about to win that battle...

So, will Spode "still love me when I've got nothing but my aching soul?"  Yeah, I would say so...  But she's pretty pleased with how I am right now, too! My head is inflating as I type. I'm just smokin'! 

More adventures next weekend.  I only have two days away from my Spode this week because of Thanksgiving.  And yes, I am thankful.

Until later, Old Sports.


Friday, 11 October 2013

It Was All Spode's Fault!

Ahhh, my Spode finally came back! Shockingly, she didn't turn up on Thursday evening.  I waited and waited, but no Spode.  She was hanging out with human friends instead.  Sheesh! The nerve of that girl. 
Oh well, she showed up today at least.
Woo! Treat lady has arrived! 
She brought me in and gave me a good brush first. I'm turning into a teddy bear and shedding the rest of my summer coat at the same time, so I was pretty filthy.  Scurf abound. (Ewwww). After I was spit shined and respectable again, she slapped on my fuzzy surcingle and bridle, and we went out to the sand ring to do some training again now that I'm feeling better.  I put up a bit of a stink at first because I didn't want to turn the way she wanted me to. I submitted eventually and we had a pretty good session together.  She said my whoa was a little shaky, but I said her gathering of the lines was a bit shaky, so there.  Tyr's owner came to watch for a bit and we made a decent effort.  It was after he left that we had a bit of a surprise! Spode accidentally undid the first line backwards, removing it from my bit first instead of gathering the line through the surcingle ring.  I spooked at a chicken at the very moment she realized her mistake, and off I flew.  Spode only had one line on my bit but the other one was stuck on the surcingle... we were a bit of a mess.  No disasters, she just had to run behind me and keep up for a bit while yelling whoa and only pulling on one line.  She apologized after.  I think we are both realizing that having another person handy while working with a green bean is quite a useful thing! Ah well, we'll get through it. Anyway, we fixed ourselves and called it quits for ground driving.  She led me around for a bit to work on whoa as a voice command, and I was golden (so she says!). Then a bit of trotting in hand, and then she took the line off and we repeated "whoa" work off lead.  Then she started to trot hoping I would trot along with her, but I was feeling rather excited by that point and so I took off flying and bucking.  So much fun! I love the sand ring. I ran around so much I worked up quite a sweat.

Like my dance moves? I'm actually practicing my flying leads!
After I was done running, she took me out for grass snacking, and then it was back to the night paddock for me. First she decided to measure me again though, because she was sure that I had grown. Yep! I'm just a smidgen under 17 hands now.  Spode felt the need to pose with my bum to show off my height. 
You're weird, Spode.  I thought you should know. 
We hung out for a good long while and took selfies. We're just a couple of teenagers, after all (shh, Spode is in denial of adulthood at the moment! 20? Nah, couldn't be.)
Is this how you do a duck face? #YOLO

Then she freaked me out a little bit because I walked away from her to have a roll, but she followed me and surprised me when I rolled over towards her. 
What's a horse gotta do to get some personal space around here?!
I decided it was time for dinner then, and headed off to the hay bale.
Ok, kiddo, one more snap and then it's time for you to leave me be for the night! 
More training tomorrow, I believe.  Hmmm, maybe I should injure myself again...

Until later, Old Sports.


Sunday, 6 October 2013


It was a cold, wet day today, but I still found ways to have fun.  Unlike yesterday, which was bright and sunny, sure, but also boring! My leg was still sore and swollen so Spode hosed me again.  I stood stock still this time, no dancing for me.  Then she brushed me, put on my bridle, and took me out for grass.  Yeah, I enjoyed it, but we need to jazz things up a bit here! She forgets my need for jazz.  What else would you expect from a horse named after an icon from the Jazz Age? Get it together, lady.
We all know I'm handsome by now. What else is new?

Spode is very excited to climb on my back, but that's a year away and I need something to do in the meantime!
Her version of excitement? Seeing my belly spot grow from this:

To this:
I have a complete stripe now, it's true
So yeah, Saturday was just dull.  Today I decided to mix things up a bit.

My leg is all better now, so Spode decided to let me loose in the arena while it rained to see if it spooked me.  I have to admit it did make me poop myself at first, but then I got over it.  And then I started to play...

I really, really wanted to play with Spode, but she didn't like that one bit.  She got mad, put away the camera, and I had to run  some more until I could act like a sensible equine.  Sigh.  No fun at all. Spode says I'm 1060 lbs right now, and she wants nothing to do with a roughhousing toddler that size.  

Despite all the running, I was pretty spooky and excitable for the rest of our day. Sammy the cat jumped up on the hay bale next to me and made me jump out of my skin.  I am not a cat horse.  Sammy better watch that I don't stomp him one of these days...
Yeah, yeah, Sammy...just climb down here and I'll show you who's the fraidy cat!

That's all for this weekend, Old Sports.  Hopefully there will be more excitement next time!
