Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Gatsby's Great Escape

Hello Old Sports.  Want to know how to terrify your human?

Yep, I gave Spode a bit of a fright on Sunday (sorry, Old Sports.  I know I've been a bit slow).  I was not in my paddock when she came to get me.  Cue panic.  Unfortunately for me but luckily for Spode, I'm fairly easy to spot.  I was out in the hay field. 

I'm such a good boy, and I really didn't want to scare Spode too much, so as soon as I saw her I headed her way.
Oh, uh, hi.  Fancy meeting you here...
Spode was left with a bit of a mystery after that, because none of the other horses got loose.  Just me. She was beginning to think I jumped, but after some fence walking, the stable manager figured I must have wiggled under the fence in one weak section.  Rats, humans are just too smart!
I explained to Spode that I was just searching for my Dan Cody.  Alas, there were no yachts to be found in that sea of grass. I think this literary reference cheered Spode up, so once her heart stopped beating so fast, we got on with our day. She bought me some presents and all was forgiven.

First, a helmet!! My very own!
"Does this helmet make my brain look small?" "No, Gatsby, of course not." 
And I also got a fancy pants surcingle for my ground driving training.  It's so fluffy! Not my colour, but what's a horse gonna do?
Another belt? Why thank you!
Spode took me out to the arena to try it out.  She said I was a pretty good boy.  Not very good at stopping when she says, but I just need some time to get used to it all and collect myself.  I'm still very interested by everything else around me, not just Spode. It's a tough life.

Can I just do circles around you please?

Fine. I'll listen....

Aha! When you listen, you get to be done faster! I get it!!
So it was a fun day for me, at least.  I don't think Spode really needed the fright, but it's good to keep your humans on their toes.  My buddy Tyr was on a trail ride today, and that's the main reason for my escape.  If you can't hang out with your friend, might as well go and eat grass, am I right?

Yes.  Of course I am. 

Until later, Old Sports.


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