...But not the equine kind! Nope, I have my very own canine friend now. His name is Newton. Spode says hanging out with a dog named after a genius is probably a better idea than hanging around with Amadeus. Well, Mozart was a genius too, actually, so I don't know what the big deal is. But I do get that she thinks Newton is probably a better influence than Amadeus boy. I'll give her that.
Anyway, Newton was playing Shadow yesterday.
See? Hanging out with a smart dog does not improve my manners, and I will NOT put my tongue back in my mouth! So there. |
Newton stayed put the whole time Spode groomed and tacked me up. Then he came out to the sand ring with us, even going through the huge puddle first (I only agreed to walk through it when Spode offered me a treat. I've so got that kid wrapped around my hoof). We did some ground driving and Newton observed. He cheered me on.
"Yeah!! Go team Gatsby!" |
I also had to cross the scary bridge. Again, because I have Spode wrapped around my hoof, I only agreed to cross the bridge for some treats. There could be trolls under there!
Can I please get off now? |
Spode just said I was lazy. I would have denied this adamantly, but then I spied some grass by my hooves and I just had to snack.
Fine, take your damning photo. I don't care what you say, I am not lazy OR a pig! |
And that was that! So long Sunday. Bring on Thursday.
Until later, Old Sports.
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