Friday, 1 November 2013

It's Windy, and Suddenly the Entire World is Out to Get Me

And consequently, I can't possibly walk towards the barn.  Who knows what scary monster is waiting in there? And there are tarps blowing, the wind is howling, hay bales are moving, tractors are making noise, the arena is slapping... It's a big scary world out there, Old Sports.

Yeah, it was a little windy today.  Actually a lot windy.  And I hate the wind.  So many smells to take in, I just can't focus and my brain turns to mush. That's just for regular wind, so you can imagine what today's gusts did to my mental state.

I made it about twenty feet outside my gate, and then I promptly did a lovely pirouette (just for you, kiddo), reared, and ran away.  Spode couldn't keep up, and thus I was a loose horse.  Not for long because I stopped right outside the gate.  I figured it would help Spode get the message-"please mum! Let me back in with my buddies!" But no, Spode tried again and we had a few arguments.  I won today because Spode literally only had 10 minutes to spend at the barn before she had to get Striker ready for a show (a what? What's this now?).  Yeah, Spode gave up.  As she let me back in my field she told me it was a one time deal, and next time she would purposefully come out when the wind is howling and make me behave like a decent gentleman and actually make it into the barn.  Yeah, right. You just go ahead and think that...

Anyway, that was today's adventure.  Yesterday was very dull because Spode was waiting to take me in the arena and let me loose, but it wasn't available the whole time she was there.  We decided to play tug of war with a curry comb instead.

I won again!! Oh Spode, I so have you under my thumb-er, hoof.
I also neglected to update my blog when I was allowed outside again for the first time. It was uneventful, but I was so happy!  My stifle is feeling much better but still a little sticky.

Until later, Old Sports.


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