I had a reasonably good weekend, Old Sports, but I had to work far too hard! I actually sweated. My pores can't even handle that nonsense. And I never thought Spode would be so cruel as to force me to perspire! It messes up my armpit hair. TMI? Sorry, Old Sport. I never was good at keeping things to myself. Nor was Fitzgerald's Gatsby, for that matter...
Anyway, it was hard work for me this weekend. Friday was okay though. Just as Spode was getting ready to take me into the arena to do some work, someone took their horse in there to ride. Phew! That was lucky! Instead Spode worked on ground tying and teaching me to back up with just the word (It's not that I don't understand, Spode, I just don't want to). She also gave me a lesson in bridling to teach me to pick up the bit by myself. Now that didn't take long to learn! I quickly figured out that I got food if I just picked up the bit. Spode was pleased. She was doubly pleased when I remembered the next day. She no longer has to get her fingers slobbery, and I no longer need to taste her slobbery fingers. Win-win, Old Sports.
Standing here sure beats working in the arena! Yeah, I'll stand for ya Spode.
Spode spent a lot of her time this weekend with Striker, much to my dismay. But he told me he was feeling really sore so I guess that's okay. Spode made him feel a lot better. I'm a bit jealous, actually. Spode gave him warm epsom salt baths and coronet massages all weekend, plus bute and turpentine painting sessions. Striker was feeling downright pampered by today. He tells me he's still not quite right but he looks a lot better. We hate the mud.
Spode still found plenty of time for me on Saturday, which was my busy day. We did everything! We had a long ground driving session, we did trot poles, and we did follow the leader at liberty in the arena. It was tough.
Spode, I'm pooped.
Please don't make me go again! Maybe if I stare at the pole long enough it will disappear... |
It wasn't without its fun moments though, I admit. I discovered pylons....
Nom nom nom |
I'm teething... I love to do this with my grain bucket too. I even suck on it sometimes just to amuse Spode. |
I'm warning you, Spode. If you make me trot anymore I'm gonna throw this pylon at you! |
Just when I thought we were done for the day, Spode took me out for a cross country run. WHAT!? Yeah, all that definitely made me sweat! (I think Spode might have too...). I got to have a cross country munch at the end of it all, so that was nice at least. And oh man did I enjoy my roll after all that work!
Oh my god we stopped. Thank you. I'm so tired! |
Oh, grass! Yay. I forgive you now. |
Spode sat on the fence and watched me eat and roll after that. I was filthy. Take that, Spode! Unfortunately, she still got the last laugh in the end because today was worming day. Oh boy. Let me refresh your mind about what happened last time Spode wormed me. I willing let her insert the tube in my mouth, but refused to swallow the paste. She kept my head up in the air and I managed to contort my tongue enough that I shot almost all the paste onto the floor. Spode said she's never seen a horse do that. She came thinking she was prepared for my tongue gymnastics this time. Almost, but not quite. Once again, I let her put the tube in my mouth, and she tried to squirt back as far as she could. She again held my head up and I even had to swallow some of it. Just when she thought she won, I let out a glob of paste that went flying a good three feet in front of us. Spode had to laugh. I have horses lining up to learn my secret now. Yeah, it's a skill. I'll put it on my resume.
Spode did get the last laugh this time though because she scraped the glob off the floor onto her hand, and suddenly thrust her arm in my mouth and literally wiped it on my tongue. Blech! Ok, I wasn't expecting that... You win for now... I have until Spring to perfect my skills!
That was on top of a bad start to my day because Spode brought Striker in first to take care of his feet and dry him off so he could wear his blankie (sheesh, what a wimp that horse is!). She's never brought him in before me. I didn't like it one bit. Spode actually had to chase me away! It was terrible! She said I was scaring Striker by trying to get between them and that I couldn't come in at the same time, and I would just have to wait my turn. She made me cry big clydesdale sized tears over this. So unfair. That's my Spode!! And then she had the nerve to worm me after that! Ugh.
How could you do that to this face? Have you no heart!? |
All I can hope is that next weekend is better! Sheesh. I'll be crossing my hooves!
Until later, Old Sports.
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