After two days of playing around, I had two days of serious work. I had the opposite of a weekend, actually. But hay, I have 4 days off now so that's okay. I'll even forgive the fact that Spode interrupted my naps THREE TIMES today! How does one even manage that? Can't a horse get a break around here? Not with Spode for an owner, clearly.
Anyway, backing up to Saturday (see what I did there, Spode? Backing up? See, I remember how to do it!), we had a good saddle session. Lots of running around making sure I didn't care one bit about the saddle or about stirrups banging around. I admit to being a bit hesitant about cantering with the stirrups down, but it wasn't much different than trotting, it turns out, so that's all fine.
Are we done yet? |
Spode just kept waiting for a reaction that was not forthcoming. It was quite dull.
Seriously, there's not even any food or grass to graze in here. I'm BORED. |
She kept trying to move away from me to get a look at my side but I was having none of that.
Trying to get away from me, are you? Unfortunately for you my lateral work is stellar. I'll just keep turning on the forehand here... |
Spode eventually got bored too so she dragged the mounting block out and started hopping up and down on it. Then she got me to stand beside it and do the same thing without me turning around to look at her. I eventually understood what to do and didn't budge. Lo and behold, I got some treats out of the deal. I think my favourite thing about being a horse is that, at times like these, you are literally getting treats for doing NOTHING. How lucky am I?
The next step was for Spode to lean her shoulders on the saddle while I kept doing...nothing. I admit to being a bit worried about that. I know she keeps saying she's waiting until August, but I still feel like she might just swing up one day....
Um... excuse me, what are you doing back there? I'm watching you! (With my ear, of course). |
After trying it three times and her not threatening to lean any more weight on me than her shoulders, I relaxed. Nope, definitely not swinging a leg up today.
That was all for Saturday. Got some hugs and kisses and back out I went.
Today Spode came out when I was napping and tried to sneak up on me, but she didn't make it very far because another horse came over to see her, which woke me right up. I immediately headed her way, but got a bit off course....
Oh! Hey there Spode! I'm coming!! |
Holy crap! There's another horse behind you, and he's the boss! |
I'm just gonna go around you while you tell him to go away, K? Thanks. |
After Spode got rid of the boss for me, we had a very long grooming session and then she took pictures of my feet (humans are weirdoes, aren't they?). I'll spare you the pictures because it's my blog and I don't care how much better my feet look. My face is cuter than my hoof, especially since I got a haircut.
Even with a mask, you can't deny it. Notice anything different? I'm beardless! |
Spode discovered that, despite the green fuzzies, my mask rubbed my chin. She decided to cut off my beard in hopes that would help and decided not to make it quite so tight. She made me promise to keep it on anyway. We'll see...
Clean-shaven and suave in my argyle suit! |
After that, Spode took me for a walk up the drive way and through the gates of West Egg--er, Fox Hollow. We looked at some cars and watched some snowmobiles. I was cool with it, but when we turned around and I could only hear the cars and not see them, it was a little scarier. Still, nothing too outrageous and terrifying. We had a nice little jaunt.
I thought I was done for the day because Spode turfed me back out after our walk and took Striker in instead. I saw her take him in all tacked up so I figured I was definitely done and so settled in to finish my morning nap. Well, much to my chagrin, she woke me up half an hour later with Striker in tow so we could do a bit of ponying. Argh. I so wasn't in the mood and tried to bite Striker, but Spode got mad at me so I just had to hold in my frustration and do what was asked. So annoying. It's Sunday morning!
Seriously? |
You know, if you went one way and I went the other, I bet we could end this gig. |
No? Sheesh, you're such a goody two shoes, Striker. You don't even want to try and fit through the door together? |
Finally! We're done! I see you down there. Just make with the treats and let's get out of here. No more work! |
After a tedious ponying session, back out to the pasture I went while she untacked Strikes in the barn. She took a long time so I happened to be laying down napping in the snow since I was now exhausted. I couldn't resist coming to the gate though because of the prospect of treats.
That's it? |
Until later, Old Sports!