Sorry, Old Sports! I'm pretty behind in my blogging, aren't I? Gatsby--er, reading week--was very busy, and I needed a nap after Spode left. We did so much stuff!
The start of my week was taken up with worrying about uveitis. Still lots of thinking to do for my human friends. Me? I'm more concerned about the medication. Ugh, so much! But tomorrow they start reducing it, so yay for me! I did get lots of praise for being such a good patient, which also means more treats, so at least there's that. I've pretty much resigned myself to the medication now. I put my head up in protest once each time, but then
I stand normally. I've learned they'll do it no matter what, so best to get it over with quick. Plus, I usually get dinner after my meds.
Please, sir, can I have some more? I've been oh so good. |
You make me look like a fool and you force things into my eyes. I really don't know why I put up with you. Hey, did you just put your hand in your pocket? Treats?? |
I also spent a lot of time walking around the lane way and seeing traffic. I'm doing pretty well, if I do say so myself, and I've also almost got the command over" down pat on BOTH sides rather than just my left. It's not my fault--It's hard to move sideways without moving forward when there are no walls around me! Anyway, I think we've got that command now. Being outside was fun.
Sure is windy out here. Oh look, here comes another car! |
Cars kinda suck. I'm bored now. |
Now, just as I thought cars were totally fine and were no reason to fret, a truck pulled in the driveway and scared the heck out of me. Spun around and snorted like a dragon, but Spode was happy I didn't actually try to run away from her. That meant I got soothing pats and words instead of an angry Spode with a dislocated arm, so it's all good! But sheesh, I'll have to watch for cars sneaking up on me now...
But it wasn't all work. I also had some fun times this reading week! I was feeling especially hot one day so we went to play in the arena. Oh boy.
Bottoms up! |
Look ma, I can stand on my head! |
Let's go! |
Great photography there Spode... |
That's better! |
I also showed off my trot for Spode, 'cause I know that gets her dressage blood pumping.
Yeah, I can move when I want to! |
Aside from that, we spent some time doing showmanship. I understand now that I mustn't
move a muscle when Spode says whoa, even when she walks away from me and around me. Got it! Spode called me a super star on Sunday. Can't finish the week much better than that!
Why thank you!! |
In the midst of my week with Spode, however, we also had to deal with the day of Zoodles' passing. February 21st was a tough day, and Spode didn't spend much time with me. That was okay. I was quiet and patient and didn't fuss much because she was upset. It got me thinking and reflecting on my predecessor though, so I'll share some insights I came up with while Spode was with me. It all has to do with my name.
There are several reasons why the name Gatsby is perfect for me, and all of them revolve around love.
First, I am named Gatsby because Spode loves the book. The Great Gatsby is the book that got her hooked on English lit, and it's the reason she is at school studying it. It's only natural to combine her love of literature and her love of horses into one.
Second, I'm giant, so the "great" aspect was chosen for a double meaning. Spode loves those too.
Third, Spode believes the novel is about hope and having a true dream (yeah, that's right, I know Spode's literary
interpretations. Why do you think I have such mastery over the English language for a horse!) In addition to many other things, the novel is about striving for a goal that is neither shallow nor material, and that is the part that inspired my name. Love is a matter of infinite hope, and Spode named me after her personal icon of hope and dreams so that she could remember what's important in life.

Fourth and most important, you cannot repeat the past. The important thing is to keep striving for your dream, but repeating the past is out of the question. This has everything to do with Zoodles. My name is a reminder that I will never be a replacement for Spode's first feelings of love and hope. I can only ever be something different. And that's just right. It doesn't make me less important, but it separates the two of us and reminds Spode that just because she loves me does not mean I have replaced her love of Zoodles. That's not possible. Gatsby--Fitzgerald's Gatsby--taught her that, but I am teaching it as well in my own way. Trying to repeat the past is what is dangerous. But finding another way of loving is endlessly hopeful.

I suspect that on the anniversary of the day Spode let go of Zoodles, I reminded her that love is different but still important, and that Zoodles is not forgotten by having another horse. No. Instead I emphasize it because I can reflect it back to her. I am loved because of her prior love for Zoo. We are both content with that.
So once again, here's to you, Zoodles. You taught Spode a lot about love, and I'm teaching her a lot about how to love again, differently. Much love to you, my friend.
Until later, Old Sports.
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