The best news: my first bout of uveitis has cleared up: YAY! No more eye drops, no more steroids, no more eye patches, and no more bute! I am a happy horse to say the least. The vet finally gave me the all clear. Thank goodness! Alas, I still have to wear the mask.
Booooo. |
The vet was patient with my curiosity (actually, I think she found me rather cute--who wouldn't!) and explained to Spode that I'm experiencing teenage ADD and testiness right now. Yep, I'm pushing the limits against my mum every day, it's true. We get into arguments occasionally, and even though I never win, I gotta try again the next day. Mrs. Vet explained that I'm just at that age to Spode. I'm testing the elders in my herd, and I gotta do the same to my human herd as well. She also said that with my teeth caps falling out, I'm teething, it's true. I just have to learn that chewing on jackets is not the right thing to teethe on. (I'm getting there!)
Me? Nip? Never. Too cute for such baby silliness. |
I have had two groundwork lessons already this weekend because of bad behaviour. Yeah, I admit it. Spode says I forgot how to back up, but really I just didn't want to. Not like she can make me-have you seen our size difference? Well, after our sessions, turns out the puny Spode can make me. I'm as good as gold now.
Fine, you win. I'm tired. I'll move out of your personal space when you say "back". But only because I want to. Humph. |
She made me do lots of leading and moving over. Then we played around for a bit, which is always nice. (And treats make it even nicer!)
Today was farrier day so I also did come groundwork while awaiting his arrival. Spode eventually got tired and I was being pretty good, so then she sat down expecting me to wander around the arena by myself. Ha. No chance of that. I'm too much of a people horse...
Yup, I'm just gonna stand over you while you sit on the block... No need to do anything else. |
Yep, even if you wanna stand up and wave your arms around. I ain't budging (and I know you just want to look at my handsome young back anyway. Yeah, you're tempted to lean on it. Don't lie). |
I'm just gonna look at the door now and hope you eventually take the hint that I'd prefer to go back to my field, pretty please. |
After standing patiently for my dainty (ha!) hooves to be trimmed, back out to the field I went. We did have a close mishap today when I needed to pee, but Spode noticed me dancing around a bit and quickly ran me over to the nearest stall. I barely held it. Phew! Glad Spode noticed. She's glad to. She realized today that if I were to pee, I would flood the three nearest tack closets--including mine! All those blankets stacked on the floor would be even worse smelling than they are now--can you imagine!? Ew.
My friend Striker is relieved, I'm sure! No one wants to wear a peed on blanket... |
That's all we did so far! Tomorrow perhaps we'll do some ground driving or saddle work. Who knows. Spode's all over the place with her training these days. All depends on her mood! The things I have to put up with...
Think we could do some how-to-get-off-the-mask-now-that-it's-strapped-to-the-halter-and-buttoned-up work? That I would like! |
Until later, Old Sports!
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