She didn't sound totally happy when she said it, so I'm not quite sure...
I dunno. I thought I was pretty adorable when she came to see me.
I heard you liked the Budweiser Clyde ad this year. I'm just trying to show off some of my own cute antics! |
Spode promptly covered up my eyes again. The kid can't take a hint. I pity her future students.
She should be happy, anyway. When she came to visit last night I was wearing my mask like she told me to. As a reward, I didn't have to wear it in the barn. Oh yeah!
Ahhh. My beautiful face can get some air! |
Surprisingly, I also got a mask break today because she wanted to check my vision. This was because I ran smack dab into the mounting block yesterday. It's true, I didn't see it. After today though, Spode is pretty sure that I was just not being careful and failed to look where I was going. Gimme a break! It's pretty tough on a horse to have one eye out of commission. That's half my field of vision! Not like you human folk.
Anyway, I didn't tell Spode I could see because I knew she wouldn't let me have my mask off if I did.
First, the usual paranoid gaze into my eyes. Hate to disappoint Spode, but I'm no better than last week. Still a blue haze in each eye, I'm afraid.
After Spode gave up on staring at me, she got down to grooming me. Most exciting part? I'm shedding!!!
More reliable than a groundhog by far. Take comfort from this picture: spring is coming! |
After an extra long curry combing to get rid of my hair, lucky me got to run around in the arena naked! Oh Happy Day. I can see!
I don't even know what to do with myself! I'm just gonna stand here and see what I can see, Old Sport! |
Fine, if you insist... |
Seriously, this could be a Budweiser commercial in itself. Except I don't think beer can be associated with finally seeing clearly... |
Mostly I just soaked up my nakedness and being allowed to do whatever I liked while Spode watched me carefully for blind spots. None to be seen, although I admit my left eye does look strange for some reason. I dunno. I feel fine, promise.
Actually, at this moment I feel better than fine. |
Spode was having a bit of a rough day so I got to play for an extra long time, though a lot of consisted of following her around like a puppy while she tried to trick me. It led to lots of hugs, kisses, and treats. Just my kind of day!
I'm going to catch you! |
We also started to learn voice commands to prepare for whatever might happen in the future. "Step up" and "duck". "Duck" is a personal favourite--one she thought was important to learn for a potentially blind horse my size. All I have to do is drop my head down and Spode gives me a treat. Easy peasy. "Step up" I don't quite understand. She seems to say it randomly and I haven't made any connections yet. Still thinking (but not too hard--it's the weekend, after all).
After we finished playing, Spode put me back out (with my mask-rats!) and brought Striker in to ride. I was sure to keep my mask on at least while she was still in the vicinity. I know when not to push my luck. It was a good idea, because I got treats just for being adorable when she brought Striker back out.
Look at me! I'm still bug-like, so give me all you got in those pockets! |
Seriously, I'm putting on my cutest face here... |
Oh wait, I lied. THIS is my cutest face! (Or I'm teasing you with the fact that as soon as I see you drive away, this blasted thing is coming off. Stat. You decide.) Based on the gigantic handful of treats this got me, I'd say this use of tongue was effective.
Until later, Old Sports.
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