And it was a weekend of battles lost and won. I needed a longer one, in truth. Thursday had better get here quick. Spode had a firm discussion with me on Saturday and we spent an hour working on my manners. Not very fun for me, and all I got out of the end of it was a romp in the arena.
First, she disrupted my snack time.
Likits are delicious--why didn't you feed these to me sooner? |
Then we went to the crossties and Spode cracked down on my fidgeting, pawing, and threatening to kick. It was a very long session. By the end of it, I was standing still like I used to and being a very good horse while she braided my mane, but I wasn't thrilled about it. Still, there was lots of treats in it for me, and that's always a good thing. Plus, after standing still for so long, Spode let me into the arena. I didn't really feel like running around, so mostly I just walked with a bit of trotting.
You do know it's my bedtime, right? |
Can we stop now so I can get back to my likit? |
Spode seemed to be ignoring me and was waiting to see if I bumped into things so she could decide whether I should be allowed out into the herd or not. After hitting my head, the answer is a firm no. I did go and look out of the window to assure her I wasn't completely blind, but she still says no, I have to wait until my blindfold comes off so I don't get hurt in the field. I won't be able to see Tyr pin his ears and tell me to move, which could be very bad I suppose...
What can you see out there, Old Sport? |
So back to my stall I went. Spode and I wrestled for a while to put the steroids in my eye, and she won that eventually. Then we called it a night.
The next day, I had visitors and I forgot everything Spode and I worked on yesterday. I didn't threaten to kick anyone, but I was walking all over her and fidgeting like crazy. We were both frustrated, and eventually she let me into the arena. For the first time this weekend, I let my crazies out. SO FUN! I bucked and bucked and bucked and bucked some more. Lots of galloping and hopping all over the place while Spode and her friends tried to make sure they stayed out of my way. That felt real good. I only hit my head once, so I'm getting better at knowing my sight limits too. It was good for all of us, but I wish I didn't have to wait until Thursday to do it again. I can't wait to be on regular turnout again. I know that will help my relationship with Spode and I'll remember that I have to stand still and respect personal space. For now, I'm off the hook because it's just too damn hard to be still and cooped up all the time. I'm just a wee boy (in age, not size). I can't control myself!
I'm lucky Spode still loves me... It's because I'm so adorable, no doubt.
I've still got whoa down pat! Be happy! How could you be frustrated with this face? Even a mask can't hide my cuteness.
Until Thursday, Old Sports.
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