Oh boy was I in trouble yesterday. Spode arrived to find me naked, and was most displeased. I tried to make it up to her by running over to see her, but she flounced past my cute face to go mask hunting in the snow. Much to my dismay, she found it half buried near the tree. She put it back on me right away and gave me a firm scolding (complete with finger pointing!) about being out in the sun without my protection. Yeah yeah. Spode's lectures are never really that good at getting the point across because she still gave me my treats after she finished talking. Win for me!
Yes, I am very bad and I'll be sorry if I damage my eyes even more. Now can you open your hand up for me please? |
Once inside, Spode spent a verrrrrry long time staring at my pupils and wondering if she could find a way to measure how blue my eyes are from one day to the next (newsflash: you can't). Once she had frustrated herself over that and given up, she decided it was time to get back to work and continue on with our training. Ok, my training.
I haven't practised wearing a saddle since Thanksgiving, but Spode decided to just throw one on me and see how I reacted. I didn't. Just stood still and waited. In all honesty, I decided Spode needed some sign that I was not going to cause her trouble forever. I can be good sometimes, I swear. So I stood still while she put the saddle on and tightened the belt. No problem. Then it was off to play in the arena.
Do I really need to run today? I don't care about the saddle. Promise. |
Spode asked me to run around anyway to make sure I didn't mind the saddle making noises or anything. Trotted and cantered with nary a buck or kick. Again, Spode was pleased. The only problem with not caring is Spode takes it as a sign for the next step in the training process. So today the stirrups came down. Spode says her feet will go in these one day, so I need to get used to that. I'll admit to being a little wary at first, but those things aren't so bad. Once you know they're hanging down, you stop flinching when they touch you. They sort of get into a rhythm.
The life of a horse is truly ridiculous sometimes. And I am not sure I like this part of it. |
After Spode was sure I was totally relaxed about the stirrups, she tried something else new.
The world from Spode's perspective. This is at her eye level. She should be taking pictures from my eye level! |
Spode was looking at my back a lot yesterday, and eventually she just couldn't resist practising leading me up to the mounting block and standing next to me. After a while, she leaned over, let her arms hang over the saddle, and put some weight on my back. I didn't budge (I also didn't blink an eye, but of core she didn't see that...). Cue a very pleased Spode! The lost mask incident was finally forgotten and forgiven! Best of all, Spode says that was plenty learned for one day, and so back to the barn we went for treats and cuddles. Good, because I was pretty tired. Incredible to think how much I've learned over the past 6 months. I miss the good old days sometimes. You know, back when I was a foal...
*yawn* Eat and sleep and sleep and eat! Those were the days... |
Still, back when I was a wee babe I didn't get all the attention I get now, so I wouldn't say I want to go back to that time. Nah. It's all right around here. Spode can just be a little annoying sometimes with her persistence. After drying my special mask by the stove to make the velcro stick better, back on it went with more lectures about how much it cost (pfft, like I care!) and how much it would help my eyes and vision. Tell that to Senator. Come on, Spode, you know it was him...
I'm innocent, I tell you. Innocent! Treats? |
With a kiss and a cookie, Spode was gone before I knew it. The countdown to Thursday has begun. It would be the prefect opportunity to get rid of my mask and bury it somewhere great, but Spode has 2 spares and people checking up on me to make sure I'm following orders. Oy. She's no fun.
Until later, Old Sports.
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