That's right, Old Sports. I'm leaving for surgery very soon! We're starting to get a bit nervous, Spode and I, but we had a fun weekend.
First, my eyes are good to go at the moment. I ended up finishing my round of steroids on Thursday, and Spode arrived on Friday to see my bright eyed and bushy tailed. Yup, my pupils were large and acting normally to light. Woot woot! Everybody now: "I can see clearly now the pain is gone". I'm a happy horse. So happy I cam tearing up to the gate on Friday. It was partially because Spode came so late. Sheesh, I was waiting on her all day!
We had a fun time in the arena doing absolutely nothing, but then Spode decided to further my soccer training.
I'll be ready for the World Cup in no time! If I could only figure out how to aim my kick... |
That was pretty much it. We took advantage of the late hour and completely goofed off knowing that no one would be around to catch us in the act--Spode doing her baby talk and me being... well, me. I guess I'm always silly. Still, now Spode's secret is out: she loves baby talk! (This probably surprises no one, right Old Sports?)
On Saturday I didn't do much of anything. We snuggled in the paddock and I had a long grooming. The arena was busy so I didn't play. Instead I watched someone cross country skiing and freaked out. I don't see the attrition, humans. Why would you want to attach long sticks to your hands and feet?! STAY BACK! A car also came speeding up the driveway and made a scary sound when it crushed some ice, so that also frightened me a tad. Sorry Spode. Still, not much phases me, so I think I'm entitled to the odd spook or two.
I met up with some of Spode's friends again and got some treats out of that. Not until after they saw Striker though. Harumph. Broke horses have all the fun. I snuffled them all over for treats but they didn't give me any until they brought Striker back. At least I got something, I suppose.
More please? |
Today I spent a loooong time with Spode. Seriously, like, all afternoon. We did some ground driving first. It's been while since we've done that due to my eyes, but I wasn't too rusty. Spode says I need to stop trying to cut corners, but aside from that I was a good boy (aren't I always, Spode?). After my ground driving, Spode let me run around.
Ugh, do I have to? It's Sunday. I don't feel like running! |
Yeah, I'm a tad lazy.
This is what happens when you make me run. I can be a little awkward. |
Phew, balance restored! I'll try and stay upright. |
Once Spode realized I had no energy to burn, back to the barn we went for a full spa treatment (er, for me anyway). I was cleaned from head to toe, and Spode set to work on my tail in preparation for the big trip. I'm learning that Spode is quite nonchalant about how she looks (have you seen her barn outfits!?) but if I have to be seen by someone? Look out. She was insistent that I can't go to Caledon looking like a scruffy backyard pony. No, no. Instead I have to live up to the glamour of my name. I guess being gigantic isn't good enough.
Are you finished back there? I think you have a case of equine narcissism. |
Speaking of being gigantic... Spode was making sure I was all packed up and ready to go on Wednesday morning, so she brought a blanket from home to try on. She wants something to keep me ever so slightly warm in case I get stressed. Well, it was a bit snug.
Help! I can't breathe!! |
Hmm, well, that's a problem! She tested it to see if I could still put my head down with it on. Nope! Way too small. See Spode? This is what happens when you're not prepared! She should have tried this on way earlier. Spode's retort of course was that I need to stop growing so fast.
Ah well, she'll figure something out.
I expect I won't be blogging again until I'm back from Caledon. So until then, Old Sports.