Sunday, 30 March 2014

You call that a weekend?

Well, old sports, it's been a fairly dull weekend.  I seriously didn't do anything.  Spode promised to make up for it next weekend, but I have to wait a whole week before that happens.  I tried to drag her up the driveway for a walk today, but she just said no.  I spent a total of 5 minutes in the arena.  Grr. The most excitement we had all weekend was when I almost ran over Spode when two horses cornered me in my field.  Exciting? Sure, but definitely not fun.  I got bitten on the bum hard, and Spode almost got her arm yanked off! Spode told the other horses off, at least, not me. They're not very good about not chasing me when my mum is holding me. Tut tut.

In part, the reason we didn't do anything all weekend was because my uveitis flared up again.  They tried to reduce my medication to once a day because my eyes looked normal again, but guess it was too soon.  Shucks. Both my eyes got cloudy again and my pupils got small, but hopefully it clears up quickly.  As soon as she took off my mask I closed my eyes. Ow.

Spode spent more time with Striker this weekend than she did me, but that's okay.  I don't really mind.  I got groomed, which is good because all this shedding is making me itchy, and I got treats.  All good.  I also got drawn!

Spode says she just has one more week of school left, and then she will be seeing me practically every day.  I am so excited. 

Until then, old sports.
I have this thing with my tongue... 

Friday, 21 March 2014

Masks Can be Deceiving...

Well, you never really know what lies beneath Fitzgerald's Gatsby, do you?

Poor Spode.  She came home last night to see me, just to check on my eyes.  She called my name and I came running as usual.  Scampered up to the gate, fooled around with her, she laughed... and then she took off my mask.  Oh, "The horror, the horror!"

I think we should call it Schrodinger's Mask...
Yeah, my eye was squeezed shut, very swollen, and oozing goo.  Lovely, right? Poor Spode had a minor heart attack and promptly got to work treating me and tucking me in for a night inside.  It was not very exciting.  I was happy to have a big dose of bute though.  Yum.

This morning the swelling had gone down and there was no more eye goop.  Ahh, much better.  Still, my eye had a distinct blue haze and was a little red in the corners.  Mr. vet came out and squirted dye and water into my eye to check for ulcers.  No worries there, but I did have some pus floating around inside my eye. Aw, jeez, I hope you weren't eating dinner, Old Sport...

So, uveitis again.  Just wonderful.  Two weeks this time, which is better than one and a half, I suppose.
I snort in your general direction
After the vet left, I had some time to kill so Spode and I played in the arena for a bit.  I took advantage of her distracted demeanour and decided to spice things up a bit.
Stop your whining, Spode.  Get! Walk on!
Spode also marvelled at my growth in the hind end, which might also explain why my stifles started locking badly again today (right after the vet left, I might add. Right after he said, "how are his stifles?" and Spode said, "Oh, pretty much fine! They hardly ever lock!" Muahaha.
Bum high? Why yes, yes it is. 
Spode was waiting on the farrier, so we also went for a walk in the field because it was such a nice day and we both needed to get out. It was superb.  
Thanks, mum! Er, Old Sport.
However, I got a little bit too eager and started taking Spode for a walk.  I had other intentions in mind...
Can we please go this way? Thanks. 

Ahhhh! Thanks! I really needed a rest after all that walking. 

Yawn.  So tired.  But also kind of itchy.  Um, uh... *roll*

All better now.  Thanks, Old Sport!
Spode laughed and laughed.  Mission accomplished.  I do what I want, but I do it for her.  I am SUCH a Gatsby figure.  Holla!

So despite the diagnosis, it was a good day.  It was made even better with a phone call to Caledon to confirm that the surgery will be happening in the next few weeks.  I definitely need it! Believe me, I am just as sick of uveitis as Spode is...
I feel so suave, but this mask just doesn't work for me.  Can I tell you a secret? They call me "Googly Eyes".  It's so embarrassing.  So much for my elegant and literary name. 

Until later, Old Sports,


Friday, 14 March 2014

On the plus side, Spode and I get an impromptu March Break!

Yeah, so I should have been recovering from surgery right now if all had gone as planned. But no! A snow storm had to go and mess everything up.  To be entirely honest, Spode is more upset about having missed the surgery than I am.  Why? Well Spode showed me this picture from Caledon Equine Hospital.  A fellow equine heading for surgery:
Ahhh! (Photo from Caledon Equine Hospital.) 
Yeah, I'm fine putting that off.

Spode was rather displeased with me today because I got my mask off again, and it's windy.  She says she'll be super angry if I get a bout because of it.  She was extra mad because I had hidden my mask, the fuzzy, and the halter in three different locations and all in the my neighbours paddock.  Darn. I didn't think she'd find them so fast.
Gulp.  I know you're gonna be really mad finding me with a bare head, Spode.  I'm doing my best cute face for you....
Spode checked my eyes thoroughly and my pupil is a-okay (for now) but only time will tell if my nakedness made me worse for wear...

But let's back up a bit. On Wednesday Spode and I played around with the saddle and bridle again since I was not getting on a trailer after all. 
Yup, I still have some growing to do. 

Sometimes I feel a bit like a giraffe...
Mostly I just ran around. I prefer to trot, but that's fine by Spode because she likes to watch me trot.  It's what I call a win-win. The benefit of being all leg.

 Other than that, we had a lot of hugs and I got a whole bunch of treats to stop Spode feeling sorry for herself.  And holy, I was a clean horse that day.  All cleaned up just in time to be turned out into a snow storm.
Gee, thanks, Old Sport.
Yesterday Spode needed something else to do, and she had this big plan to introduce me to umbrellas and plastic bags.  I'm afraid I kind of disappointed her with my reaction.  I was far more concerned about the howling wind than I was the umbrella.  She opened it right in front of me and waved it all around me. Yawn.  Then Spode attached the plastic bag to a whip and waved it around, rubbed it on my back, and brushed my legs with it.  Yeah, I really don't care.  I'm a Clydesdale yo. 

Today we did some ground driving.  I was great for that but Spode got very annoyed that I wouldn't keep my head still while she was tacking up.  She wasn't pleased at the time, but hey! I gave you something to work on, kid! 

Chop chop, kiddo. 
And that's it so far! Not a terrible way to spend your week.  Spode better do some homework too (sheesh, where would she be without me?!) but I'm enjoying the extra attention.  We're almost there! Only three weeks left of Spode being away at school.  After that, I have 4 and a half glorious months with Spode before she's off again.  Looking forward to it, Old Sport!

Until later,
You have how many days of school left!?

Sunday, 9 March 2014

T minus 3 days!

That's right, Old Sports.  I'm leaving for surgery very soon! We're starting to get a bit nervous, Spode and I, but we had a fun weekend.

First, my eyes are good to go at the moment.  I ended up finishing my round of steroids on Thursday, and Spode arrived on Friday to see my bright eyed and bushy tailed. Yup, my pupils were large and acting normally to light.  Woot woot! Everybody now: "I can see clearly now the pain is gone".  I'm a happy horse.  So happy I cam tearing up to the gate on Friday.  It was partially because Spode came so late.  Sheesh, I was waiting on her all day!

We had a fun time in the arena doing absolutely nothing, but then Spode decided to further my soccer training.
I'll be ready for the World Cup in no time! If I could only figure out how to aim my kick...
That was pretty much it.  We took advantage of the late hour and completely goofed off knowing that no one would be around to catch us in the act--Spode doing her baby talk and me being... well, me.  I guess I'm always silly.  Still, now Spode's secret is out: she loves baby talk! (This probably surprises no one, right Old Sports?)

On Saturday I didn't do much of anything.  We snuggled in the paddock and I had a long grooming.  The arena was busy so I didn't play.  Instead I watched someone cross country skiing and freaked out.  I don't see the attrition, humans.  Why would you want to attach long sticks to your hands and feet?! STAY BACK! A car also came speeding up the driveway and made a scary sound when it crushed some ice, so that also frightened me a tad.  Sorry Spode.  Still, not much phases me, so I think I'm entitled to the odd spook or two.  
I met up with some of Spode's friends again and got some treats out of that.  Not until after they saw Striker though.  Harumph. Broke horses have all the fun. I snuffled them all over for treats but they didn't give me any until they brought Striker back.  At least I got something, I suppose. 
More please? 

Today I spent a loooong time with Spode.  Seriously, like, all afternoon.  We did some ground driving first.  It's been while since we've done that due to my eyes, but I wasn't too rusty.  Spode says I need to stop trying to cut corners, but aside from that I was a good boy (aren't I always, Spode?).  After my ground driving, Spode let me run around.  

Ugh, do I have to? It's Sunday.  I don't feel like running!
Yeah, I'm a tad lazy.  
This is what happens when you make me run.  I can be a little awkward. 

Phew, balance restored! I'll try and stay upright. 
Once Spode realized I had no energy to burn, back to the barn we went for a full spa treatment (er, for me anyway).  I was cleaned from head to toe, and Spode set to work on my tail in preparation for the big trip.  I'm learning that Spode is quite nonchalant about how she looks (have you seen her barn outfits!?) but if I have to be seen by someone? Look out.  She was insistent that I can't go to Caledon looking like a scruffy backyard pony.  No, no.  Instead I have to live up to the glamour of my name.  I guess being gigantic isn't good enough.
Are you finished back there? I think you have a case of equine narcissism. 

Speaking of being gigantic... Spode was making sure I was all packed up and ready to go on Wednesday morning, so she brought a blanket from home to try on.  She wants something to keep me ever so slightly warm in case I get stressed.  Well, it was a bit snug. 
Help! I can't breathe!!
Hmm, well, that's a problem! She tested it to see if I could still put my head down with it on.  Nope! Way too small.  See Spode? This is what happens when you're not prepared! She should have tried this on way earlier.  Spode's retort of course was that I need to stop growing so fast.  
Ah well, she'll figure something out.

I expect I won't be blogging again until I'm back from Caledon. So until then, Old Sports.


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

I was warned about this...

Ok, Old Sports.  Like all the rest of you, I am tired of winter! I need some grass--I'm just so bored of hay.  We're all sick of this winter field too and can't wait to get out and the grass pasture and kick up our heels.  Come on now! It's high time that the snow started melting!

Know what else I'm bored of? Waiting for Spode.  She's such slow poke (like the arrival of spring!).  On Sunday she was super slow about grooming me.

I know I look fabulous and you enjoy getting me clean, but are you done yet? I would like my dinner. 
She did eventually let me eat dinner, and then she made me wait in the stall, too! The arena was busy so Spode told me I had to wait patiently for my turn.  Patient? Bah. I don't know the meaning of the word (well, actually I do because I'm a smart horse.  I'm being figurative). 
ROAR.  I'm a fire-breathing dragon!! Lemme out of here, will ya?
We finally made it into the arena and then I had to wait for her to put on these stupid looking shipping boots. That's right.  Spode's protective nature has hit hard, Old Sports.  But I know it's just the beginning. I'm going to get into that trailer next week looking like a goof in my bell boots, helmet, and now my shipping boots.  At least these ones aren't comically small for me.  They are a little snug though! I feel so silly looking...
Seriously, these make me look fat. 
They're also super awkward to walk in....
However, I quickly learned that I didn't have to lift my legs quite so high to walk.
Ok, now I feel foolish.  These aren't so bad. 

Oh, hey! I can even trot in them.  Hmm, I wonder why Spode is telling me to stop.  Guess these boots AREN'T made for trotting...
The reason I was trotting is because the horses outside were all flipping out about something.  I was feeling left out, so I decided to freak out because they were freaking out.  It was really fun for me.  I think Spode was rather exasperated with me though. Just a guess. 
Can we just leave now so I can see what's going on out there?
Once outside I was disappointed to learn that I still could not see what all the commotion was.  What a disappointment.  I missed some quality tearing around with my buddies.  Spode's treats did make up for it, but still.  Can't a horse just have fun?

Spode's got a busy weekend of ground work planned for me this weekend as further prep for my trailering next week, so I guess the answer is no for now.  I just finished the last of my steroids today though, so hopefully I can have a little more fun.  Crossing my hooves that the uveitis stays away for more than a week and a half this time!!

Until later, Old Sports.


Saturday, 1 March 2014

Au Revoir, My Feathered Friends!

Hello Old Sports!

Listen, we're not talking about Caledon Equine Hospital this weekend, okay? Sure, we're doing things to prepare, but now that it's all sorted out, we're keeping hush hush so as not to freak ourselves out.  So far so good!

We're preparing by working on my manners and cutting off my feathers! I've got some new boots for the trailer ride and Spode wants me to be neat and tidy.  I don't want to get into a hot sweaty mess...

Before-fully feathered. My hair keeps me company when Spode's away. 

Spode didn't have time to french braid my hair, but look! It is long enough! Maybe next year...
And after 45 minutes, all my hair is gone.  Spode says I'm a pro.  This is the third time I've had my hair clipped.  I stood perfectly. Well, I was a little more indignant about my hind legs, but fronts were no problem at all! And my chin and bridle path were clipped without a hitch too.  Happy, happy.
Put your best foot forward in life, Old Sports.
I feel pretty, oh so pretty.  When Spode started clipping, she exclaimed: "oh my god! I forgot you had pasterns under there!" Yeah, I kind of did too.
I love my legs from the knee down, but my forearms look pretty stupid, no? I'll get Spode to fix me up tomorrow!

My hinds are magnifique though! 

Goodbye, my friends:

The shipping boots will hopefully arrive tomorrow.  Then we'll put it all together. For now, I'm just hanging out and looking fly. 
White 'n Bright! 
The day, like all days, was over far too soon.  Even though I had grown a bit impatient by the time I was all clipped up, I still missed Spode when she left.  Trotted to the corner of the field to see her off. 
But, but... where are you going so soon? Can't I come with you?
Until tomorrow, Old Sports!
