Sunday, 30 March 2014

You call that a weekend?

Well, old sports, it's been a fairly dull weekend.  I seriously didn't do anything.  Spode promised to make up for it next weekend, but I have to wait a whole week before that happens.  I tried to drag her up the driveway for a walk today, but she just said no.  I spent a total of 5 minutes in the arena.  Grr. The most excitement we had all weekend was when I almost ran over Spode when two horses cornered me in my field.  Exciting? Sure, but definitely not fun.  I got bitten on the bum hard, and Spode almost got her arm yanked off! Spode told the other horses off, at least, not me. They're not very good about not chasing me when my mum is holding me. Tut tut.

In part, the reason we didn't do anything all weekend was because my uveitis flared up again.  They tried to reduce my medication to once a day because my eyes looked normal again, but guess it was too soon.  Shucks. Both my eyes got cloudy again and my pupils got small, but hopefully it clears up quickly.  As soon as she took off my mask I closed my eyes. Ow.

Spode spent more time with Striker this weekend than she did me, but that's okay.  I don't really mind.  I got groomed, which is good because all this shedding is making me itchy, and I got treats.  All good.  I also got drawn!

Spode says she just has one more week of school left, and then she will be seeing me practically every day.  I am so excited. 

Until then, old sports.
I have this thing with my tongue... 

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