Ok, Old Sports. Like all the rest of you, I am tired of winter! I need some grass--I'm just so bored of hay. We're all sick of this winter field too and can't wait to get out and the grass pasture and kick up our heels. Come on now! It's high time that the snow started melting!
Know what else I'm bored of? Waiting for Spode. She's such slow poke (like the arrival of spring!). On Sunday she was super slow about grooming me.
I know I look fabulous and you enjoy getting me clean, but are you done yet? I would like my dinner. |
She did eventually let me eat dinner, and then she made me wait in the stall, too! The arena was busy so Spode told me I had to wait patiently for my turn. Patient? Bah. I don't know the meaning of the word (well, actually I do because I'm a smart horse. I'm being figurative).
ROAR. I'm a fire-breathing dragon!! Lemme out of here, will ya? |
We finally made it into the arena and then I had to wait for her to put on these stupid looking shipping boots. That's right. Spode's protective nature has hit hard, Old Sports. But I know it's just the beginning. I'm going to get into that trailer next week looking like a goof in my bell boots, helmet, and now my shipping boots. At least these ones aren't comically small for me. They are a little snug though! I feel so silly looking...
Seriously, these make me look fat. |
They're also super awkward to walk in....
Help! |
However, I quickly learned that I didn't have to lift my legs quite so high to walk.
Ok, now I feel foolish. These aren't so bad. |
Oh, hey! I can even trot in them. Hmm, I wonder why Spode is telling me to stop. Guess these boots AREN'T made for trotting... |
The reason I was trotting is because the horses outside were all flipping out about something. I was feeling left out, so I decided to freak out because they were freaking out. It was really fun for me. I think Spode was rather exasperated with me though. Just a guess.
Can we just leave now so I can see what's going on out there? |
Once outside I was disappointed to learn that I still could not see what all the commotion was. What a disappointment. I missed some quality tearing around with my buddies. Spode's treats did make up for it, but still. Can't a horse just have fun?
Spode's got a busy weekend of ground work planned for me this weekend as further prep for my trailering next week, so I guess the answer is no for now. I just finished the last of my steroids today though, so hopefully I can have a little more fun. Crossing my hooves that the uveitis stays away for more than a week and a half this time!!
Until later, Old Sports.
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