That's right, old sports! I had another adventure off the farm today. I'll be well prepared for shows, I can tell you that! Spode came early in the morning to get me ready for the day. She came in the great big truck that got me here to Fox Hollow. I was a little wary (I don't want to move barns!) but she told me it was just a short trip to the city and back today and I will be home again before I know it. Okay then! Go ahead and put those boots on!
I think I've grown some more. These hind boots seem even smaller now! |
Spode said it was time to go, grabbed my bucket of breakfast, and we walked onto the trailer just like that. Yeah, you couldn't call me a difficult loader. I'll follow that bucket anywhere! Plus, there was hay inside. Not a bad place to be. When it's a choice between a trailer and a stall, the trailer wins. At least I'm moving then. Unfortunately I couldn't look out the windows this time because Spode covered them all up! Kind of defeats the purpose of a trip in the trailer if you ask me. So much for watching thee world go by. I wanted to see the city!
Luckily, Spode let me have a long look once we got to Alta Vista vet. I scared some dogs walking by and also saw a rabbit. Lots of interesting things to keep me occupied while I waited on the vets. Spode's mum also took pity on me and brought me a constant grass buffet. Sweet--a ride with service!
So this is the city, huh? There sure are a lot of cars.
Oh good. Cities have grass. This is perfectly acceptable, thank you. |
Grass and a view. This is better than home! |
Wait! Come back and feed me more!! |
Soon enough, three vets came out and we had a chat about all my eye issues (well okay, I didn't talk. I just listened). Then one of the vets put a funny mining lamp on his head and closed the door. Just me and him. I didn't like this arrangement very much but the vet was okay. He did this 4 more times with different head gear each time, and then the humans all chatted again.
The good: The uveitis is gone for now! Huzzah! I can come off the meds, FINALLY. I couldn't be happier. I have to stay on painkiller for a long time, but no more sticking fingers in my eyes. Phew. I'll come off the steroids slowly over the next two weeks and then we're going to pray that we beat our previous record of two weeks without any medication or uveitis. I don't think Spode is going to relax until we pass that two week mark.
The doubleplusgood (oh wait, wrong literary reference. Sorry, George Orwell--get your own horse). I'm allowed outside again! Now that I'm no longer on atropine, I'm a free man. I can be back out with my friends and live a normal horsey life again. Get ready for a party, friends!
The bad: I have cataracts in both eyes. Aw shucks. Yet another eye problem. These cataracts are a result of all the inflammation I've had in my eyes. They're not terrible cataracts, but they have the potential to get worse and the left one is already worse than the right one. The humans are all going to watch my eyes closely for more signs of cloudiness, which might mean that my cataracts are currently getting worse rather than being stable. Yikes. Not much we can do about them, so those are the cards. If they don't get any worse, they should be a major hinderance except for some slight vision issues in my left eye, it seems.
So with the knowledge, we headed back home.
Let's hit the road so I can go outside, please. |
Once home, I was put back in my stall temporarily and then Spode dewormed me. Yuck. I was kind of hoping we'd never have to do that. Man it tastes terrible!! And Spode practically put her whole arm into my mouth this time to stop my crazy tongue maneuver. For the first time, I didn't manage to spit any of the stuff out that way. And even when I put my head to the ceiling it didn't help. I guess I'll just have to accept it one day, but might as well make Spode work for it for now.
And then I was taken to my field for the first time in well over a month. Oh bliss. There are no friends for me right now because we have to introduce me back into the herd slowly it's been so long. Plus, the other horses are on the summer grass now but I need to be worked up to that slowly as well. So I get to be with other horses in the nice fields on Monday, Right now I'm alone in the winter field but there are horses on the other side of the fence to chat with. Today I had no time for chatting. Just RUNNING! I love the wind in my mane!!
Excuse the photography. I was too fast for Spode today! |
The wonderful thing about Tiggers... |
Can you do the splits while also doing a hand stand? I can. And I did. |
I'm the only one! |
Had to do some super trotting to make Spode's dressage heart go pitter patter. |
But then it was back to rodeoing! |
They call me Speedygongatsby. |
It sure was a happy time! But after about 10 minutes the novelty wore off (and fine, I was tired!) and so I had a good roll and then went in search of the hay pile.
Are you hay? Do you have treats for me? Because that will also be acceptable. If you don't have treats, then get out of my way! |
It was a happy day despite the bad cataract news. A nice way to end your first week as a three year old. This was the real party--Spode should have made me wear my crown today!
Can my present be not to wear this silly hat? Thanks. A lot. |
Ain't no party like a Gatsby party. |
Thank you, Spode. I am ready to move forward to the next step in our journey. Ready, set, go! |
Until later, old sports.
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