Life is great, old sports! I could not be any happier. I'm back to being outside 24/7, and I am back out with my best friend Senator again. Not only that, Spode and I are back in business (er, training), so I finally have something to do again. No more being brushed and going for a walk. No, no. Since Sunday we've done something different every day! A ground work session, ground driving, free lunging, saddling, bridling, bathing... It's been wonderful! I'm always eager to come in and find out what the latest activity will be. Spode says I'm going to have to be a versatile horse just to stop me from getting bored. I am not all that fond of routine, I have to say. The more Spode can change it up, the better!
To start with, the first thing I did when back on regular turnout was find the only patch of burrs in the field and bury my head in it. Ah, bliss. The barn staff spent 10 minutes picking burrs off my mask, but she left the burrs in my forelock as a special treat just for Spode. Oh, she was happy. I had a bunch stuck in my tail too as a bonus.
Aren't I beautiful? |
Spode deserved it. She left me alone for two days while she spent time with other horses near Toronto. Say what?! The nerve!
I got super muddy for her too. Every day.
Let me tell you: this feels real good after spending month inside! |
But on a serious note, Spode and I are getting ready for my first ride ever in the next couple of weeks. That means reviewing all the skills I learned already as well as a few new ones.
Booting up had to be reviewed, but I've got that down pat now. I no longer lift my legs up when she puts a boot on. Why do I need boots? Well, you should have seen the scuffs on them after free lunging! I only wear them sometimes when Spode knows I'll be doing some running. One cut and the splint on my leg from last year is enough. We don't need to add to the vet bills!
Size XL is perfecto! Do I look like a fancy warmblood now, Spode? If you want to get technical, I am one! |
I did not need any reminders about saddling. Spode can do up that girth as tight as she wants, I don't care in the least. Why? Well because it makes me look so good, that's why!
The name's Gatsby. Jay Gatsby. |
Bridling is still a bit rough. Not because I don't want my bit, but because I want it too much. I love to chew on that thing. Spode has to be on the ball to keep me from eating the rest of the bridle along with the bit. She says I need to chillax and get a bit more patient when it comes to bridling. We're working on it. I am fine if she puts it on in the arena but I get ahead of myself when she puts it on in the barn because I just can't wait to put it on and get out to do something with it! Oops.
Today we did some free lunging working on a quicker response to whoa. By the end of the session I was doing trot to whoa with just 3 walk stops in between. Perfecto! Spode was pleased. And so was I, because I got treats for it! After that, we did some ground driving, again working on the whoa and standing still.
If you can take photos with slack in the reins and without me moving a muscle, I think I've got this one down pat too, mum. What's next? |
We did some serpentines, diagonals, centrelines, and circles. Granted, they weren't exactly perfect figures, but I have the concept of steering for sure. We even did a bit of trot today, which Spode didn't think I would be ready to do again for a couple more sessions. I'm so smart. Spode says my head can't possibly get any bigger though, so I ought to be careful with the self-praise. Whatever.
Could you get any more handsome than this? No, I didn't think so. In the words of Fitzgerald, "there was something gorgeous about him". Yeah, it's called equine charm. |
The training has been great, but I really love just being a horse outside again. It's so nice to be back out with my buddies, Tyr and Senator. Well, I could take or leave Tyr, but I LOVE Senator. He's a good friend.
Hello there, Old Sport! What do you say we kick up our heels a bit? |
Notice boring old Tyr to the side. He doesn't know how to party like Senator and I do! |
This went on for hours. |
Of course, then Spode had to ruin it by turning me into a monstrosity. She says I need it for my sun burn. Old Sports, I am the laughing stock of the farm. Mums are SO embarrassing, omg.
Please take this off me so I stop looking like a robot horse!! Senator is embarrassed to be seen with me! |
Until later, old sports!
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