Sunday, 15 June 2014

They don't call me "Great" for nothing!

Phew, what a day! I went from a baby to an adult, just like that! Well, maybe the transition is not quite that quick... But I made a big leap forward regardless!

First of all, however, to update my old sports on my eyes: The ulcer seems to be all gone but I have a strange white spot with a bump underneath to the right of where it was. It is pretty disgusting looking. Quite a bulge and it definitely looks like it's coming to a head, but it doesn't hurt me. A vet is coming to take a look on Tuesday, so for now we're keeping all my meds the same: stomach supplement, aspirin, chloramphenicol, and EDTA. I'm hoping for good news on Tuesday! The bump could be something serious, or it could just be a weird delayed scar of further calcification from all my meds. Hmm. Always a mystery.

Anyway, since there has been no apparent change in my bump for three days (except my eye lid may have been ever so slightly droopy today, but I was also a bit sleepy so who knows!) Spode decided to continue with her original plans for me today. And what was that plan? To RIDE me!! Yeah!! Well, riding is probably too strong a word for what we did today. Spode sat on me; let's go with that!

First she asked me to trot around for a bit to make sure I didn't have any beans today (nope, none here!)
Please can I stop? I'm calm, promise. 
And then Spode's mum led me over to the staircase. 
Ready? Hurry up already. 
Here we go!

Oh yay! You brought snacks!!
No problem! I admit, I was a little surprised when she got on. Spode has been leaning on my back but I wasn't expecting how weird it would feel for her to lift her leg over. A little uncomfortable but it was no big deal. I didn't particularly want to walk though and needed some convincing. Not my fault. How am I supposed to walk with a big fat Spode on my back!?
I'm pretty happy just standing here, you know. 

Okay, we can walk, but only because I have to. 

Hmm, okay. This is not so bad! I'm getting the hang of it!

And that's a wrap! 
Spode was very pleased with me. I didn't do anything wrong. Not even raising my back slightly. Not me. I was tense and unsure to things, but it was a good day. Spode only sat on me for 5 minutes or so and then she got off (and forgot how far away the ground was!). It reassured me that she wasn't going to stay on my back forever. A great first experience. 

Spode said I definitely feel very tall when she sat on me, but she said she would be thrilled if I could get wider. She's complaining that her leg is too long on my little narrow barrel. Give me a couple more years, and then maybe I'll start to fill out for your leg, Spode. 

After that, I had some grass and then went back to the field with my buddies. I felt like a king! So mature. 

Until later, Old Sports!


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