Thursday, 27 November 2014

I'll take back my Miss Wolff now, thank you very much. I'm a teenager in need.

My Spode is officially finished playing teacher! Those gr. 10s had all her attention for 4 weeks, and it's my turn now. I'm not sharing anymore. Luckily she isn't a kindergarten teacher, cause I don't like to "share everything" (but I do like Robert Munsch...).

Yep, Spode is home and tired of gr. 10 history. She can't say that she's tired of the 1920s since that's the era that's near and dear to my heart and hooves, but she is ready for a break. I am ready for some learning. I enjoy my holidays, don't get me wrong, but I'm looking forward to some schooling of my own this December, and it starts now.
You're back! Yay!!
I'll admit, I certainly need some education. I have forgotten how to stand still without fidgeting. I have lost all the strategies I learned to help me control my ADHD. Spode gave me a chew toy today--sort of like a fidget toy for kindergarteners. We'll ignore the fact that I'm a teenager and should be beyond such things at this point!

Spode has been a bit flustered trying to get me to stand still since her return home. I promised to work on it. She promised to be patient. I've already made leaps and bounds since yesterday, so I figure we'll be back on track by the weekend. 
Lucky for me, my cute face allows me to get away with pretty much anything.
Speaking of leaps... I totally got Spode back for all the time she's spent away from me lately. Today she stood at the gate and called my name. I was over by the water, and so slowly picked me way across the paddock towards her. I was hoping to avoid the mud as much as possible. Call me prissy, but I don't enjoy getting my toes wet and dirty. Unfortunately for me, that is not possible in my field. I picked my away around until I got close to the gate, and then I stopped. I stood and stared at Spode for a while. There she was standing on the dry ledge with not a speck of dirt and mud on her. Excuse me? You expect me to tromp through mud when you're not even willing to step foot in it? That's no deal to me. We had a face off for a while, neither of us budging. It was slowly dawning on me that Spode probably just enjoyed looking at me, so wasn't going to come over to me any time soon. Plus, when I make her walk to me I don't get treats. 

But did I give up? Oh no, Old Sports. I am the GREAT Gatsby--I have some tricks up my feathers. I quickly made a new plan of action. I looked at the mud and where Spode was standing on her dry cement ledge. Aha! Without a second thought, I leapt into the muddiest part. Just as I suspected, there was a crunch as the top layer of ice crushed and my hooves sunk into the soft mud. Then I hit the watery part. Thanks to my leap (and, let's be honest, my extreme weight), the mud arced beautifully up into the air, flowing forward and onto Spode. Spode went from being perfectly clean to being an appaloosa of sorts, brown spots of mud covering her legs, her jacket, her hands, her hair, and best of all her face. I am such a smart horse. 

I wondered for a split second if she would be mad as she looked at herself in utter shock for a moment and then looking back at me. But Spode would never be mad at such a thing. She about doubled over in laughter. What a glorious start to the day! She definitely regretted showering before coming to the barn though! We make quite a pair. 
I secretly pondered doing the same thing when Spode let me back out, but what's the point in getting her muddy again? No, better save that trick for when she's clean again!
We had a good time. She brushed me and brushed me for as long as she could and as long as I was willing to stand still for her. She was not very successful though. There is still a thick layer of dirt in the depths of my coat. It's my own personal dirt blanket. Keeps me warm.
Would you believe she took this photo AFTER she brushed me? The dust clouds are endless. Anyone would think I'm living in the Valley of Ashes or something...
In terms of training, Spode introduced me to something called lunging yesterday. I was slightly confused initially. Why exactly would I want to trot around in a circle around you? Isn't this making you dizzy? Actually, it does make Spode dizzy. Technically she said she's supposed to stand in one spot to lunge, but she warned that she may be sick if she does that. So I do a great big circle, and she does a little one. Good-at least both of us are doing some work then!

I actually quite enjoy the lunging. And she says I'm a natural. Today we did halts, walk, trot, canter and down again. She said anyone would think I've been lunged for years instead of 2 days. What can I say--I'm a genius. Well, really... it's not very different from being free lunged apart from the circle bit. Circles are pretty dull. Spode said she's never taught me to lunge before because she hates making me circle on my growing joints. She just wanted to make sure I had the skill though. Today's training session clearly demonstrated that I can do it in my sleep, so no more for now. Tomorrow I think we might go for a little ride instead. That'll be a nice break.

Just tell me that I'm brilliant. And then maybe give me a treat, too. 

Off or on the lunge, I am still easily distracted though. Please forgive me. There was a great big truck, trailer, and digger out there today-that's pretty distracting! 
Spode and I have enjoyed each other's company. And she's so happy to be back at the barn. This Christmas is gonna be good! She is hoping that I'm not going to spend the entire time embarrassing her though... mud splatters, dancing in the cross ties, and then I went and did this to her.
A little privacy wouldn't go amiss you know. Just saying.
Yeah, I really had to go. It was all Spode could do to get me in the gate first. I just realized that the fact that I peed here yesterday means I also managed to splatter Spode with pee today. Sweet revenge, old sports. That's what you get for teaching all those kids when you could have been over her with me! 

That being said, I understand she added to my fan base while teaching. One of them drew a pony in my honour:
Spitting image, no? To be fair, only a small group of students had the privilege of actually seeing photos of me. 

I'm sure there will be plenty of blog posts to keep you entertained this holiday season. Spode and I are going to have a great month off together!

Until later, old sports.


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