Ah, Christmas holidays. Spode is on break, and she'll be visiting me every day for a month. Every day is a new day to wow her in new and unexpected ways. It's been a blast so far!
I managed to annoy her royally the first day by being bad. I am going through a phase, old sports. It's called being a teenager. It's time to move up in the world and find my place, and Spode and I disagree on where that place is. I think my place is leader of the herd. Spode thinks my place is following her every wish. You see the problem with that, don't you? So we had a big argument on Friday. I pawed and pushed and went right up in her face. She asked me to back up and I said make me. We had a very long ground work session as a result, and unfortunately she came out on top. That time. There will be more opportunities to put myself forward as leader, muahaha!
Every now and then, my cuteness just isn't enough to convince Spode to let me walk all over her. |
Saturday was my Spode's birthday but we didn't get much time together. It's a pity, because I totally would have been nice on that day. My gift to her-not being pushy and challenging her every word. But she was working in the barn that day and then had to rush off to a play. She came out to retrieve my lost mask and put it back on me, and then she came out again later on when she was eating lunch. That was a mistake, obviously. I kissed her and we hugged, and then I looked at her waiting for some food. That bagel looked awfully tasty! Looks are not everything, it turns out, because I didn't like that bagel one bit. I probably shouldn't have taken such a big bite. Much to Spode's dismay, I spit it out after chewing it into a wet glob. Not yummy. Still, it made Spode laugh--happy birthday!!
I've always been good at making Spode laugh. Not that it's very hard to do. |
Sunday I was also very well behaved. Consider it a belated birthday gift. I messed with her at first though (I had to). I hid my mask pretty well so she had to spend a long time looking for it. My plan to bother her sort of backfired though, because I got bored waiting for her to stumble upon it. I made my own fun...
Tug of war with my lead rope! See? Told you it was easy to make Spode laugh. |
Soon I got tired of just plain pulling on the rope though. I moved on to my halter instead, and invented a brand new game:
You know, Spode. This is probably not a very good habit to pick up. Halter swinging is all fun and games until I steal all of them hanging by the gate and start hiding those along with my mask... |
I have the best life ever, seriously. I get to fool around and goof off so much. Spode's favourite kids to teach are gr. 9 boys-they're goofy, fun, and still feel that high school is "new" and therefore not bad. I am just fulfilling that role in an equine fashion. I would totally be one of the goofy gr. 9 boys if I were human. I'm pretty damn close though.
Anyway, although Spode found my games very amusing she was not amused that I was without my mask on a bright sunny day with a bit of a wind. My eyes were more red than they were the day before as a result.
Bit of goop as well, but no squinting and my pupil is constricting and dilating normally. So far so good. |
Anyway, we did actually do some work. Spode and I did some lunging, and I was superb (her words, not mine. I swear!). I also just looked gorgeous (my words, not hers, though obviously implied...)
Also, Spode's shadow makes me look extra big! |
Hello down there, weenie. |
This is my good side and I know it. |
Spode also let me run around a bit, which is always a pleasant experience for both of us. Spode is on holidays, I should get to be as well, right?

Today I was a bit more like my usual self. I started off grouchy, that was my problem. Spode came to the gate and called my name. I looked at her for a second, and then much to my horror, My Boy started to head in her direction. Oh no, I'm not having any of that. I ran straight over with my ears pinned to get him to back off. Seriously. Of all the nerve. Spode is MINE. I didn't know I would feel so jealous and protective, but apparently I do. Spode thought it was funny, but I was taking it pretty seriously.
Spode brushed me and tacked me up. Yep, we're onto holiday rides already!
So soon? Okay, fine by me! |
Spode let me run around a bit with my saddle on, and then she clambered up and we had a brief but pleasant stroll around the arena. I was pretty excited because it's the first time she's been on me in quite a while, but I settled down fast and we just did a few transitions. She said that that was enough for today. Wow-such an easy ride!
Bad hair day-as usual. I have really got on Spode's nerves lately because my mane is neatly lying on the WRONG side. The only reason it's split at the moment is because Spode angrily flipped it back over onto the correct side. Braids tomorrow... |
Was it really worth putting the saddle on me for 5 minutes of walking? Go bareback next time! |
My bridle is a wee bit tight with my winter beard. Spode says tomorrow is clipping day and then I need to work on my bridle manners. I'm too grabby and excited to go so I get pushy and mouthy. She says I need to wait for my bit instead of grabbing for it. Sigh. Spode is no fun sometimes. Typical teacher. |
So yes, it's been a pleasant few days so far. Tomorrow is all planned out, and Wednesday is a long overdue farrier day due to difficulty scheduling. After that, who knows? So much time! I can get into all sorts of adventures and troubles in a month!
Until later, old sports!
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