Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Taking a page out of Spode's book--injure yourself and get out of work!

I still say I was doing Spode a favour by standing on her foot and breaking it at the beginning of this summer. By breaking her foot, I got her 2 weeks off and a holiday with me (cough, cough, I may have also cost her her job requiring her to get a new one, but that's a minor detail).

After a busy few weeks preparing for Sunday's horse show and a lot of breakthrough training rides, I figured I deserved a break. Spode gives me days off regularly, but I'm looking for a longer break. There was only one way that would happen: an injury. Something mild enough that I wouldn't be in too much pain and require too much treatment, but something bad enough that Spode would enforce a strict rest policy for me. The opportunity presented itself on Monday in the form of an electric fence. More specifically, a rope electric fence that was conveniently turned off. I have a habit of eating over the fence and eventually the rope snapped and voila! One swollen, rope burned hind pastern later, I have myself a holiday!
Ok, now that you wrapped me up I am feeling a little bit sorry for myself. 
Jokes aside, I am actually more sore than I had hoped. When Spode initially found the leg in question, she thought it was simply my mud fever that is currently being battled on my other hind leg. My Clydesdale genes are terrible for mud fever--I get it every summer no matter what the weather or what my hair length. It's almost healed up and gone already now, but initially my burned pastern appeared the same: scabby, not swollen, not lame. However, the next day my pastern and cannon bone had ballooned and the burned spot had opened up. Ouch. I'm pretty sore now. Vet called and treated upon their recommendations, but Spode was still fretting the next day so she called my favourite vet out today to get a proper look. It was weird seeing Mrs. BestVet and not having my eyes checked! Well, my eyes were looked at anyway just because. Habit I guess. Or anxiety on the part of Spode. All good there. Aspirin is wonderful.

Anyway, I was lucky. The tissues and ligaments in my leg have only a thin membrane covering them. The rope cut me much deeper than I had intended, so I only just saved myself a lot more veterinary care. I'm on topical treatments and a course of antibiotics. I do hate syringes. And my weight is my downfall in this case because I have to have sooo many pills! Heavy horse problems. 1400 lbs=28 pills a day, along with my 50 aspirins and my stomach supplement and my eye supplement. Lucky I have molasses to sweeten the deal or I'd refuse to open my mouth for anything at this point. Worming season soon, I'm told. Ugh, the worst.

So I'm out of work for the next while but my Spode time has increased to two visits a day because if she doesn't treat me in the morning she will fret all day. Oh well, double Spode inevitably means double treats. I was already feeling a little bored with my 3 days off today so Spode decided to teach me to bow while I'm unable to work. It doesn't require any hind leg movement but gives me something to think about. But I already bowed twice and this was only her first day of training, so I don't think the entrainment value will last very long. I don't quite understand exactly what Spode wants by her concept of bow, but I'll figure it out soon. So far I know she doesn't want me to move my legs and she wants my nose to be under my chest. Weird. Is this part of dressage?

Speaking of dressage, my second show went great! I walked off the trailer like a professional player, old sports. I was cool, calm, and collected (scratch the collected part, actually. Spode says I was not collected enough). But yeah, Spode was over the moon with my behaviour. I kept it classy this time. No trying to run away with her in the excitement of it all. I had a sense that I was here to do my thing and then we would go home, which is exactly what happened.

I'm not feeling very cool in these shades. I'm a little embarrassed, in fact. 
Spode blindfolded me so I felt calm and wasn't spooky... until we got into the ring itself and I discovered it was full of puddles. Puddles? I've never been ridden in puddles! Living with Spode has turned me into a princess, old sports. I've undergone the same transition as Fitzgerald's Gatsby, and it's permanent. I got over myself by the second test, but I still felt the need to trot like a full Clydesdale with my knees and hocks a snapping' as I plopped through the soggy sand. I also found it quite difficult to balance. Nevertheless, Spode was chuffed. We got ourselves 60 and 61% and a second place, which Spode was very, very happy with. I found it hard to focus on my test right away because I go from one ring to the next and am expected to just do my thing even though I haven't looked around the ring yet. Kind of weird, to me. But Spode says I need to get over it. I suppose I will, one day. Despite my lack of focus, I had moments of full focus on Spode this time, so that's very good news in her books. I'm happy I have an owner who is so happy with baby steps! I kind of enjoyed the show this time around. Spode is happy, my fan club is happy, and I always seem to meet new admirers. Yup, dressage shows are quickly going to become my thing, I think.

What else is new? Spode is happily enjoying my photoshoot photos. That was quite the day. Weirdest evening ever. I was bathed, groomed, and then kept inside until Spode returned not in her usual barn clothes, but in a full dress! What!? And in tow was her brother with camera, her sister with flash, and her mum with daisies, a book, and carrots. Weird experience for sure. And the rain didn't help matters. Still, whatever keeps my Spode happy...

Photo shoot photos here:
Previos dressage show here, because I forgot the link the first time!

I think that's all I've got for now, old sports. I'll be spending my wound holiday reading up on Fitzgerald and drinking mint juleps in the sun. When life gives you rope burn, make lemonade? Did i mess up that saying? I don't care. I just want some lemonade dammit. Spode! Please fetch me a lemonade--I'm in pain. Take pity on me! And hurry up!
Fetch me my treats, young lady! 

Until later, old sports.


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