Not that I resent him leaving the Valley of Ashes... |
Don't get me wrong, old sports, I do adore my name and all the literary fun that goes with it (Nothing is Random) but I sometimes wonder if I've been cursed because of it. One of Spode's favourite songs from the movie soundtrack is "Love is Blindness". Coincidence? I think not. And a book with a strong symbolic focus on eyes? A favourite character called Owl Eyes? That's not good news for a horse that's been plagued by eye issues for a year and a half. Way to go, Spode.
I apologize for not updating my blog since my birthday--what a terrible horse. Partially, it's because it's summer, it's hot, and I'm lazy! I start to fall asleep around 5pm. Anyway, the other reason is that my eyesight has not been great these past couple of months. Lucky I have horse "speak to text" and not an actual keyboard, as I would have trouble seeing it! Let's recap. One year ago I was diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes following the most severe bout of uveitis I had after my surgery. I was actually fully blind in my left eye for 3 weeks during that spell, so no wonder there was some permanent damage as a result. Since then, however, my eyes have been pretty good. A few issues here and there, but nothing major.
Late May, early June my eye sight started to cause problems for me again. I was scared by that and started struggling with my daily rides. I'd get scared of what I wasn't seeing properly and then it just escalated from there and I couldn't focus on what Spode was asking for. So much stress. Spode got the vet out for me and the thought was perhaps my cataracts were increasing in size.
Cataract diagnosis=sunglasses again! Only during the day though, because my nighttime buddies are bad and rip my mask off in 2 seconds flat. |
A little after that diagnosis, my eyes got even worse so off I went to the specialist in Ottawa that diagnosed the cataracts last year. Another adventure in the trailer. I don't mind the city. There's lots to see when you're parked in the trailer.
Hello, Ottawa! |
It was a rather stressful trip as we had some trailer issues and Spode is not the most relaxed when it comes to trailering in the first place. Plus, we were racing the clock as Spode was about to leave me for 2 weeks while she went off to Italy (I gather wherever that is must be quite far away!). But we made it there, Dr. Tinsley ventured into the trailer, and we all held our breath. Even me! My eye sight is going and I don't know why either!
Alas, it's not a simple answer. He doesn't think my cataracts are changing, so the possibility is that I have Insidious Uveitis. That means that, while my implants have saved my eyes from going blind a year ago and definitely saved me from feeling A LOT of pain, they have not quite done the trick in staving off the inflammation response (aren't I a smart horse? Hey-I've been a part of a lot of veterinary talks). It was only a guess, but it was the best one he had for why my eyes are giving me trouble again with no obvious signs why. My eyes do tend to be a bit blue all the time, so it seemed like a pretty good guess to all of us. I'm back on aspirin, a stomach supplement, and a personalized uveitis supplement. It tastes disgusting, so lucky me--I also get molasses! Yum. Now I just trick my staff into giving me molasses...
You know you love me. |
The vets also recommended riding me with a blindfold on my bad eye, since my changing vision is making everything pretty scary. It's just very unexpected, and I was keeping my distance from other horses as well. I just felt sorry for myself. I stopped playing around so much with Spode and was acting shy. The blindfold was a big help. I feel much calmer with it on and I don't keep seeing things that aren't even there. It's great!
Arrr, I'm a pirate horse! |
It's been a while since it all started, and I'm adjusting well to it all now. Spode tests my vision once a week by letting me loose by alternating the blindfold and making me do obstacles. At first I was tripping over everything when I had to rely on just my left eye, but I'm much better about that now. I've adjusted to my changing vision well, because Spode still complains that I have a normal reaction to her waving a hand in front of my right eye, but no reaction on my left. I guess I have trouble with short distances more than far. I also have a hard time adjusting to sudden light changes, and that can cause me to spook sometimes.
I'm feeling much better about it all though, and so is Spode. We're both adjusting equally well, I think! It was nice we both had a 2 week holiday to take it all in and relax. Spode's pal Ally cam out. She rode me a little before the trip so I already knew her, which meant that when she came out to visit when Spode was away, I was very excited! Especially since she brought food!
I like Ally--she makes me look especially big! |
Not much else to report. Spode and I are continuing to work on our dressage and hopefully we'll get out to another show soon enough. She's working a lot right now so we've been taking it kind of slow. Neither of us have much energy when it's this hot out--my draft side is eagerly looking forward to the fall weather already! Not for the fall season though. Back to school means limited Spode time again...
And limited grass--I do love me some summer pasture! |
I've been enjoying the summer pampering I get when Spode does actually have some free time, and she's been switching up our rides with some bareback lazy fun and working on the canter, which I quite enjoy!
I definitely get groomed a lot longer in the summer! And you know the first thing she did upon arriving home from Italy? She broke out the clippers. That girl has a problem with hair. I didn't mind--I was just so happy she was back! |
Yep, and my hair is braided and being trained again. What a shocker. |
I enjoy sticking out my tongue at her after a good roll right in front of her face. I repeat. You know you love me! |
Spode's turn to say "you know you love me" when she's in a dress up mood... |
So there's your long overdue update, old sports. I promise I'll get back into blogging mood soon! I just needed to sort out my eyes for a while. Dr. Tinsley advised limiting screen time for a while, that's my excuse! Now we;re back to our regular adventures and training, albeit with a pirate hat so you won't be seeing my pretty face most of the time. There is one major exception to the mask rule coming up... stay tuned, old sports! You're in for a treat!
I'm too sexy for my mask! |
Until later,
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