Sunday, 18 August 2013

Apple Flavoured? Are You Sure??

Yay, Spode is back! It was a lonely, lonely weekend.  I was so bored that I made my own fun in my paddock. First, I flipped out the rest of my roundbale from my feeder and threw it all over the ground.  Now I have a nice soft bed that doubles as dinner! Spode was none too impressed though...

Flipping the bale didn't take too long, so afterwards I decided to hide my fly mask.  I found a part of the fence with some binding wire and made a little hole in my pink ear.  Then all I had to do was pull back, and voila! My fly mask was left hanging on the fence! That gave me the good idea to start taking off rails.  I got 2 down near the road so I could give Spode a good scare when she finally got back.  After that, my mischief was done.

Spode returned this afternoon and brought me into the barn.  Right away she took out this tube:
Apple flavoured? Yeah right!!
She lifted my head up above her shoulder and pushed the tube into my mouth.  I didn't mind, but then she pushed it down and I suddenly got a whole ton of paste in my throat, and it was gross! She wouldn't let me put my head down because she wanted me to swallow.  Oh no, buddy.  I'm not doing that! There we were, her lifting my head up and me with my mouth wide open, when I finally got my tongue working.  With one quick movement I twisted my tongue and SPLAT. The paste landed on the floor in a big gob. I totally won this one! Spode was shocked. She never let my head move an inch and I still got around swallowing it!

Unfortunately that wasn't the end of the battle though.  She put me back in the cross ties and got the gob off the floor using my treats.  She tried to feed me those but they smelt so terrible, there was no way I would open my mouth for that. Then she got a bucket and put the treats in along with some of my grain.  Nope.  Then she added some of the tasty sweet feed that the other horses get to eat as well.  Still nope.  Then she poured on molasses.  Nope. And then water and more molasses.  Nope.  Even more molasses! Then I started to get hungry for that tasty sweetness, and I just couldn't resist it.  I gingerly started to eat, and there were so many treats and other tasty thing that I could barely taste that gross paste anymore.  I slurped it all up in the end.  I still think I won though... I got a delicious dinner out of it, didnt' I?

Spode brushed me outside after that, and I let her pick up my feet without her tying me up.  She was pleased with that.  Then she let me go and I followed her around the paddock while she checked my hay bale and brought rails back and forth to fix my fence.  I even tried carrying a log in my mouth but it was too heavy.  I just kept following her with my head next to her back.  It was a fun afternoon! My weekend destruction succeeded in forcing her to stay with me for longer! I'm a smart horse.  The best part was when I followed her around the paddock while she looked for my fly mask.  She was looking all over the tall grass and around the trees.  The fence was the perfect hiding spot! Sadly she did find it eventually, though.  Too bad.  I was hoping it would take her longer.

I'm very glad Spode is back.  There will be more adventures this week, I'm sure.

Until later, Old Sports.


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