Sunday, 4 August 2013

I'm Too Gorgeous For My Own Good.

Seriously, mum?  I thought we were done with dress up.  Argh.  Hide me.

Oh, but it gets worse.  The other day she also played with my hair! I can't believe this girl. All this fuss. I am not a Breyer, I tell you.  I am not!
I hate my life.
She said it was all part of the process.  She wanted to see what I would be like to braid.  Apparently I'm going to have to do this a lot in life.  In fact, she said her goal for next year is to take me to a small show or fair and enter a showmanship class so I can learn the ropes for the future.  Apparently showmanship is about leading.  I protested this goal by trying to spin and run away when we were headed back to the paddock.  Today I even added an attempt to rear to the mix.  She was not thrilled.  I had to give in both times though, so she's still adamant that I'm going to venture out next year and see what a show is like.  Shucks.  Gotta try harder.  I'm too gorgeous for my own good--that's the problem.  How can she resist taking me out in public with a face like this?
Oh baby! Even I want to take that face to a show!
She might also want to take me to a show so that she can buy me my very own bridle.  I don't know...

Spode was pretty happy with me today (ok, aside from my mini rear) because I left my hair in her braids.  She promised to take them out tomorrow.  I'm beginning to feel rather effeminate with my white braided hair and my pink suit of a fly mask. And everyone on the highway can see me! 

In other news, Spode is still adamant that I stand for fly spray. How annoying.  She also insisted that I stand still to be measured and weighed from now on.  The result: still 16.2 hands and 1050 lbs.  Spode says I'm a whole 6 inches bigger than her previous horse (I'll have to write a post about everything else I've learned about him, too) but he was sometimes 200 lbs heavier than me. Phew. 

Spode has a week off this week so she promised she'd spend even more time with me.  Can't wait.  The reason I didn't want to go back to the paddock for the past two days is because it's SO BORING.  Spode is good company.  I like learning new things.  Maybe if I had a horse buddy I'd feel differently. Apparently that's coming! I'm moving next month and will have some horse friends.  Finally.

Until later, Old Sports.


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