Friday, 6 September 2013

I Could Get Used to This...

Hello Old Sports!

It's been a busy week of getting used to Fox Hollow.  Spode is pleased because I didn't poop myself for the first time today! She also said I should probably be a bit more discreet about such private matters, but I don't give a poop.  Oops, I think I did it again.  Sorry Spode.

But really, I am getting used to this big old farm.  I am allowed into a grass field now with my buddy Tyr.  We're getting along very nicely now.  We can graze together and he doesn't push me away or anything.  I am liking all my next door neighbours, too. They're just across the fence now so we can touch noses and get our introductions over with.  Soon I'll be out with them all.  Can't wait.  There are a few young hooligans like me, and I really want to play with them!

Note my fellow hooligans! Mr. Paint over there is a weenie like me!
I've checked out the sand ring again and was great until another horse I haven't met came up toward the fence.  I strut my stuff and trotted right over, and then I sort of ignored Spode when she tried to redirect me.  She wasn't too happy.  I know she's not meant to be treated like a ragdoll, but she's so small when I put my head up. It's easy to forget she's there.  I was forgiven, as always.

I am getting much more comfortable in the barn, but it's still a scary place.  There are always sounds, and there's this black shadow of a feline who climbs on the hay and on the tack boxes, scaring the poop out of me quite frequently.  The people call him MeowMeows.  He is a holy terror, I tell you.  I am much more partial to the canine, Newton.  I've always been a dog-horse. I don't think I'll ever be a cat-horse...

It's not just MeowMeows who freaks me out though.  It's also the fact that I can't see the aisle behind the tack boxes.  I've never been in a barn with two aisled before, and it takes some getting used to.  Add to that the huge open doors in front and behind me, and yeah, it's a little scary.  Spode got after me for moving around all over the place today.  I've been moving around a lot, I admit.  I don't like those cross ties at the moment. Argh. I just want to check things out!

Spode acquiesced to my request to move around and let me into the indoor arena the other day.  I wandered all over and checked things out as calm as could be.  Spode says it'll be scarier when it's raining, so I guess that's what we'll be doing next. Oh joy.
What's supposed to be scary about this place??

I had one incident that I am rather embarrassed to tell you about, Old Sports. I walked into the window.  Really.  I walked right into it.  Spode is relieved that it was plexi-glass.  My noggin just bounced off and I was, um, surprised! Fox Hollow is too clean.
Note to self...
Other than that, the arena was all fine.  I am getting used to it here, and just in time because Spode has to go to school next week.  I am beginning to gather that that means I'll be on my own for a bit.  I'm not excited about it.  I like exploring (and eating grass and getting treats and getting rubbed!)

Ah well.  Won't think about that yet.  I still have two more days with my Spode! 

Until later, Old Sports.


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