"Back to School" hath arrived (Yo Spode--that Shakespearean tone is just for you, baby). Spode left me today. So sad--who needs school anyway!? I'd better hope Spode's teacher ambitions aren't offended by that statement, but it's just not fair! I was at the far end of the field when she came to say goodbye today. As soon as I saw her I trotted over to the gate to greet her. I think this made her doubly sad, now that I think about it. Oh well, I know it put a smile on her face in that moment--which I think Spode needed.
SPODE!!!! |
Spode took me into the barn for a grooming session, as usual. I quite enjoy it but still get anxious after standing for a long time. Old Sports, I'm afraid I pooped myself yet again. Oh the shame. I almost made it but a horse left and scared me again. Spode has been making me stand by myself in the cross ties while she gets the shovel and broom. I am getting better with this but start to get frantic when she takes too long. Like today. She took extra long returning the shovel, so I started to get antsy and stomp in the cross ties, and when I still didn't get her back, I whinnied for her. Spode says I need to learn not to be so attached, but I could tell she was secretly touched that I like her so much. What does she expect? Since the day she bought me, she has been to visit me every single day, barring two days when it was simply impossible. And now she's leaving me! No wonder I have a hard time being away from her in the barn...
I'm fine. Just don't disappear for too long. Don't pull a Daisy on me. |
After we had our grooming, I thought Spode was going to make me do some work again. Yesterday we worked on trotting beside each other again. Three laps around the ring. I was pooped! (No, Old Sport, not literally). But today she just let me eat grass. Bliss, I tell you.
Hey Spode, why the long face? (P.S., does this angle accentuate my roman nose??) |
After I had my fill--or rather, after Spode had her fill--we went back to my paddock and played around a bit. That I do mean literally.
Sigh. The things I have to put up with. |
Then she just hung out with me, pet me, watched me, and talked to me. We had a splendid morning.
You sure do talk a lot, Spode. |
I'm listening, I promise. |
I did forget about Spode at one point because a miniature pony was taking his humans for a stroll past my paddock. I was intrigued since he only came up to my knees. After he passed and I lost interest, I had another trot back to my Spode to see her off.
She promised she'd be home on Thursday and would see me either then or on Friday. In the meantime her mum will come out to see me. I'm glad. It's going to feel awful lonely around here this coming week... I'll be counting down the days.
Until then, Old Sports.
you can do it Jay!